Test 3: Complex Analysis
Instruction: Create a pdf file with all the solutions, upload file on Google Drive and share the link in the form shared at the bottom of the page
Total Marks: 75
1) Define the following terms with an example of each:
i) Analytic Functions
ii) Harmonic Functions
1.(iii) State CR equations and explain how these are helpful in explaining if a given function is analytic or not.
1.(iv) Explain Milne Thomson method.
1.(v) State Rouche’s Theorem and give an example of how it can be applied.
2) Define Singularity and explain below types of singularities with an example of each: i) Isolated Singularity ii) Removable Singularity iii) Essential Singularity iv) Pole
3.(i) In the context of Complex Analysis, write 1 sentence including the below statement “necessary but not sufficient”.
3.(ii) Define simply connected and multiply connected domains.
4) State and prove Cauchy’s Integral theorem.
5) State and prove Cauchy’s Integral formula. Use it to derive the expression for Cauchy’s integral formula for derivatives.
6.(i) Define a power series and explain its radius of convergence.
6.(ii) State the conditions under which a function can be expressed as a Taylor series and write the expression for Taylor’s series.
6.(iii) State the conditions under which a function can be expressed as a Taylor series and write the expression for Laurent’s series.
7) Define Residue and write the expression for calculating residues in each of the following cases:
(i) at simple pole (ii) at pole of order m (iii) at infinity
8.(a) State and prove Cauchy’s Residue Theorem.
8.(b) With regards to Contour Integration, (i) State Cauchy’s Lemma (ii) State Jordan’s Lemma