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Scalar and Vector Fields

We will cover following topics

Scalar Fields

If to each point \(\mathrm{P}(\vec{r})\) (the point \(P\) with position vector \(\vec{r}\) ) of a region \(R\) in space there is a unique scalar or real number denoted by \(\phi(\vec{r}),\) then \(\phi\) is called a scalar point function in \(R\). The region \(R\) is called a scalar field.

Vector Fields

If to each point \(\mathrm{P}(\vec{r})\) of a region \(R\) in space there is a unique vector denoted by \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{F}}(\vec{r})\) then \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{F}}\) is called a vector point function in \(R .\) The region \(R\) is called a vector field.

Derivative of a Vector Function

A vector function \(\vec{f}(t)\) is said to be differentiable at a point \(t,\) if \(\lim _{\Delta t \rightarrow 0} \dfrac{\vec{f}(t+\Delta t)-\vec{f}(t)}{\Delta t}\) exists. Then it is denoted by \(\dfrac{d \vec{f}}{d t}\) or \(\vec{f}^{\prime}\) and is called the derivative of the vector function \(\vec{f}\) at \(t\).

Geometrical Meaning of Derivative

Let \(\vec{r}(t)\) be the position vector of a point \(P\) with respect to the origin \(O\). As \(t\) varies continuously over a time interval \(P\) traces the curve \(C\). Thus, the vector function \(\vec{r}(t)\) represents a curve \(C\) in space.

If \(\lim _{\Delta \rightarrow 0} \dfrac{\Delta \vec{r}}{\Delta t}\) exists, it is denoted by \(\dfrac{d \vec{r}}{d t}\) and \(\dfrac{d \vec{r}}{d t}\) is in the direction of the tangent at \(P\) to the curve.

If \(\dfrac{d \vec{r}}{d t} \neq 0,\) then \(\dfrac{d \vec{r}}{d t}\) or \(\vec{r}^{\prime}(t)\) is called a tangent vector to the curve \(C\) at \(P\).

The unit tangent vector at \(P\) is $$=\dfrac{\vec{r}^{\prime}(t)}{\left \vec{r}^{\prime}(t)\right }=\hat{u}(t)$$

Both \(\vec{r}^{\prime}(t)\) and \(\hat{u}(t)\) are in the direction of increasing \(t\). Hence, their sense depends on the orientation of the curve \(C\).

Level Surface

Let \(\phi\) be a continuous scalar point function defined in a region \(R\) in space. Then the set of all points satisfying the equation \(\phi(x, y, z)=C,\) where \(C\) is a constant, determines a surface which is called a level surface of \(\phi\).


Vector Fields

1) Evaluate \(\int_{c} \vec{A} \cdot d \vec{r}\) along the curve \(x^{2}+y^{2}=1\), \(z=1\) from \((0,1,1)\) to \((1,0,1)\) if \(\vec{\mathrm{A}}=(y z+2 x) \hat{i}+x z \hat{j}+(x y+2 z) \hat{k}\).

[2008, 15M]

2) Evaluate \(\iint_{s} \vec{F} \cdot \hat{n} dS\), where \(\vec{\mathrm{F}}=4 x \hat{i} -2y^2 \hat{j}+ z^2 \hat{k}\), and \(S\) is the surface of the cylinder bounded by \(x^{2}+y^{2}=4\), \(z=0\) and \(z=3\).

[2008, 15M]

Differentiation of a Vector Field of a Scalar Variable

1) The position vector of a moving point at time \(t\) is \(\overline{r}=\sin t \hat{i}+\cos 2 t \hat{j}+\left(t^{2}+2 t\right) \hat{k}\). Find the components of acceleration \(\overline{a}\) in the direction parallel to the velocity vector \(\overline{v}\) and perpendicular to the plane of \(\overline{r}\) and \(\overline{v}\) at time \(t=0\).

[2017, 10M]

2) For two vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) given respectively by \(\vec{a}=5 t^{2} \hat{i}+\hat{t} \hat{\jmath}-t^{3} \hat{k}\) and \(\vec{b}=\sin 5 t \hat{i}-\cos t \hat{j}\), determine:
i) \(\dfrac{d}{d t}(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b})\)
ii) \(\dfrac{d}{d t}(\vec{a} \times \vec{b})\)

[2011, 20M]

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