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We will cover following topics


1) Solve: dydx+xsin2y=x3cos2


2) Show that if 1Q[pyQx] is a function of x only, say, f(x), then F(x)=ef(x)dx is an integrating factor of Pdx+Qdy=0


3) Find the family of curves whose tangent from an angle π4 with the hyperbola xy=c.


4) Transform the differential equation d2ydx2cosx+dydxsinx2ycos3x=2cos5x into one having z as independent variable where z=sinx and solve it.


5) If d2xdt2+gb(xa)=0(a,b and g being positive constants) and x=a, and dxdt=0 when t=0, show that x=a+(aa)cosgbt


6) Solve (D24D+4)y=8x2e2xsin2x where Dddx



1) Determine the curvature for which the radius of curvature is proportional to the slope of the tangent.


2) Show that the system of confocal conics x2a2+λ+y2b2+λ=1 is self-orthogonal.


3) Solve {y(1+1/x)+cosy}dx+{x+logxxsiny}dy=0


4) Solve yd2ydx22(dydx)2=y2.


5) Solve d2ydt2+ω02y=acosωt and discuss the nature of solution as ωhelloω0.


6) Solve (D4+D2+1)yex/2cos(x3/2).



1) By eliminating the constants a, b obtain the differential equation of which xy=aex+bex+x2 is a solution.


2) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of the semi-cubical parabolas ay 2=x3, where a is a variable parameter.


3) Show that

(4x+3y+1)dx+(3x+2y+1)dy=0 represents hyperbolas having the following lines as asymptotes



4) Solve the following differential equation:



5) Find the curves for which the portion of yaxis cut off between the origin and the tangent varies as the cube of the abscissa of the point of contact.


6) Solve the following differential equation:

(D2+4)y=sin2x, given that when x=0, then y=0 and dydx=2


7) Solve: (D31)y=xex+cos2x


8) Solve: (x2D2+xD4)y=x2.



1) If the equation Mdx+Ndy=0 is of the form f1 (xy). ydx+f2(xy).xdy=0, then show that 1MxNy.

2) Solve the differential cquation. (x22x+2y2)dx+2xydy=0.

3) Given that the differential equation (2x2y2+y)dx (x3y3x)dy=0 has an integrating factor of the form xhy2=k, find its general solution.

4) Solve d4ydx4m4y=sinmx.

5) Solve the differential equation


6) Solve the differential equation d2ydx24dydx5y=xex, given that y=0 and dydx=0, when x=0.


1.(a) If the equation λn+a1λn1++an=0 (in unknown λ ) has distinct roots λ1,λ2,λn. Show that the constant coefficients of differential equation

has the most general solution of the form y=c0(x)+c1e2,x+c2e2x+..+c2eλx, where c1, are parameters. What is c0(x)?

1.(b) Analyses the situation where the λ-equation in (a) has repeated roots.

2) Solve the differential equation x2d2ydx2+2xdydx+y=0 is explicit form. If your answer contains imaginary quantities, recast it in a form free of those.

3) Show that if the function 1tf(t) can be integrated (w.r.t ‘t’), then one can solve dydx=f(y/x), for any given f. Hence or otherwise, show that


4) Verify that y=(sin1x)2 is a solution of (1x2)d2ydx2xdydx=2. Find also the most general solution.


1) Find the value of y which satisfies the equation (xy3y3x2ex)+3xy2dydx=0; given that y=1 when x=1.

2) Prove that the differential equation of all parabolas lying in a plane is ddx(d2ydx2)2/3=0.

3) Solve the differential equation


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