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We will cover following topics


1) In what direction from the point (-1,1,1) is the directional derivative of f=x2yz3 a maximum ? Compute its magnitude.


2) Show that

(i) (A+B)(B+C)×(C+A)=2AB×C



3) Evaluate SFˆndS, where F=2xyi+yz2j+xzk and S is the surface of the parallelcpiped bounded by x=0, y=0,z=0, x=2, y=1 and z=3.



1) If a,b,c are the position vectors of A,B,C prove that a×b+b×c+c×a is a vector perpendicuar to the plane ABC.


2) If F=(x3+y3+z33xyz), find ×F.


3) Evaluate C(exsinydx+excosydy) (Green’s theorem), where C is the rectangle whose vertices are (0,0),(π,0),(π,π2) and (0,π2).


4) If X,Y,Z are the components of contravariant vector in rectangular Cartesian coordinates x,y,z in a three dimensional space, show that the components of the vectors in cylinderal coordinates r,θ,z are Xcosθ+Ysinθ,Xrsinθ+Yrcosθ,Z


5) Show that 2ϕ=gij(2ϕxixjϕxl{1ij}) where ϕ is a scalar function of coordinates xi.



1) If r1 and r2 are the vectors joining the fixed points A(x1,y1,z1) and B(x2,y2,z2) respectively to a variable point P(x,y,z), then find the value of grad(r1r2) and curl(r1×r2).


2) Show that (a×b)×c=a×(b×c) if either b=0 (or any other vector is 0) or c is collinear with a or b is orthogonal to a and c(both).



1) Prove that if A,B and ˙C are three given non-coplanar vectors, then any vector F can be put in the form F=αB×C+βC×A+γA×B. For given determine α, β, γ.


2) Verify Gauss theorem for F=4xi2y2ˆj+z2ˆk taken over the region bounded by x2+y2=4 z=0 and z=3.



1) If xi+yˆj+zˆk and r=|r|, show that:
(i) r× grad f (r)=0
(ii) div(rnr)=(n+3)rn


2) Verify Gauss’ divergence theorem for F=xyˆi+z2ˆj+2yzˆk on the tetrahedron x=y=z=0,x+y+z=1



1) Let the region V be bounded by the smooth surface S and let n denote outward drawn unit normal vector at a point on S. If ϕ is harmonic in V, show that SϕndS=0


2) In the vector field v(x), let there exist a surface on which v=0$.$Showthat,atanarbitrarypointofthissurface,curlv=0$$ is tangential to the surface or vanishes.


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