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Test 3: Complex Analysis

Instruction: Select the correct option corresponding to questions given below in the form shared at the bottom

Total Marks: 75

1) The value of 0πcos2θ12acosθ+a2dθ, 1<a<1 is given by:

a) 2πa21a2
b) πa212a2
c) a21a2
d) πa21a2

2) If f(z)=u+iv is an analytic function of the complex variable z and uv=ex(cosysiny), determine f(z) in terms of z.

a) f(z)=ez
b) f(z)=ezsinz
c) f(z)=ezcosz
d) f(z)=eπz

3) Using Contour integration, evaluate

a) π1p+p21p2
b) π1p+p212p
c) π1p+2p21p
d) π1p+p21p

4) Using the method of contour integration, find the value of 0πadθa2+sin2θ, (a>0):

a) π1+2a2
b) 2π1+a2
c) π1+a2
d) 11+a2

5) Show that when 0<|z1|<2, the function f(z)=z(z1)(z3) has the Laurent series expansion in powers of (z1) as:

a) 12(z1)n=0(z1)n2n+2
b) 12(z1)3n=0(z1)n2n+2
c) 12(z3)n=0(z3)n2n+2
d) 12(z1)3n=0(z3)n2n+2

6) The value of 0cos(ax)x2+1dx, a>0 is given by:

a) π2ea
b) πea
c) π2e2a
d) π4ea

7) The value of dx1+x4=π2 is given by:

a) π22
b) π2
c) π3
d) 2π2

8) Find the value of 1π0πecosθcos(sinθnθ)dθ using the Laurent’s series expansion of e1z.
a) 1n!
b) 1(n1)!
c) 1(n+1)!
d) 1(n+2)!

9) The function f(z) has a double pole at z=0 with residue 2, a simple pole at z=1 with residue 2, is analytic at all other finite points of the plane and is bounded as |z|. If f(2)=5 and f(1)=2, find f(z).

a) f(z)=4+3z+3z2+z3z2(z1)
b) f(z)=4+2z+3z2+z3z2(z1)
c) f(z)=4+z+3z2+z3z2(z1)
d) f(z)=4+3z+4z2+z3z2(z1)

10) Find the value of xsinaxx4+4dx, a>0 using the Residue Theorem:

a) π2easina
b) π2e2asina
c) π2easin2a
d) π3easina

11) The value of n=0(xnn!)2 is given by:

a) 12π02πe2xcosθdθ
b) 12π02πe2xsinθdθ
c) 1π02πe2xcosθdθ
d) 12π02πe2xsinθdθ

12) The analytic function whose real part is ex(xcosyysiny) is given by:
a) ezcosz
b) ezsinz
c) ez
d) zez

13) The value of 0loge(x2+1)x2+1dx is given by:

a) 2πlog2
b) πlog2
c) log2
d) 0

14) Let C be a circle |z|=2 oriented counter-clockwise. Evaluate the integral Ccoshπzz(z2+1)dz with the aid of residues.

a) 4πi
b) 2πi
c) πi
d) 2πi

15) The value of x4dx1+x8 is given by:

a) π2sinπ84
b) π2sinπ8
c) π2sinπ2
d) π2sinπ6

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