1) Using Newton-Raphson’s method, show that the iteration formula for finding the reciprocal of the root of is
2) Evaluate by subdividing the interval (0,1) into 6 equal parts and using Simpson’s one-third rule. Hence find the value of and actual error, correct to five places of decimals.
3) Solve the following system of linear equations, using Gauss elimination method:
4) Let and Write a BASIC programm that computes the inverse of A, determinant of and the product of the matrix and its inverse.
5) Write a BASIC program to evaluate the formula
1) Obtain the Simpson’s rule for the integral
and show that this rule is exact for polynomial of degree .In general show that the error for approximation for Simpson’s rule in given by
Apply this rule to the integral and show that .
2) Using fourth order classical Runge-Kutta method for the intial value problem
where on the interval [0,1],calculate correct to six places of decimal.
1) Evaluate by Simpson’s rule with 4 strips. Determine the error by direct integration.
2) By the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, tablulate the solution of the differential equation y(0)=0 in with step length 0.1 correct to five places of decimals.
3) Use Regula-Falsi method to show that the real root of lies between 3 and 2.740646.
4) Given =0.5987,0.9=6915,0.7734,0.8944,0.9772 for z=0.25,0.5,0.75,1.25,2 respectively.
5) Fit a second degree parabola to the following data taking x as the independent variable:
x y 1 2 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 6 11 7 11 8 10 9 9 — —-
1) Apply the fourth order Runge-Kutta method to find a value of y correct to four places of decimals at , when
2) Show that the iteration formula for finding the reciprocal of is
3) Obtain the cubic spline approximation for the function given in the tabular form below: and
1) Describe Newton-Raphson method for finding the solutions of the equation and show that the method has a quadratic convergence.
2) The following are the measurements 1 made on a curve recorded by the oscillograph representing a change of current i due to a change in the conditions of an electric current: Applying an appropriate formula interpolate for the value of i when
3) Solve the system of differential equations for given that and when using Runge-Kutta method of order four.
1) Find the positive root of nearest to five places of decimal by Newton-Raphson method.
2) Find the value of from the following data using Simpson’s rule for the interval (1.6,2.2) and rule for (2.2,3.4)
3) For the differential equation starting values are given as Using Milne’s predictor corrector method advance the solution to and compare it with the analytical solution. (Carry four decimals).
1) Find the positive root of the equation correct to five decimal places.
2) Fit the following four points by the cubic splines. ix_{i}y_{i} Use the end conditions Hence, compute (i) y (1.5) (ii)
3) Find the derivative of at from the following table xy = f ( x )