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We will cover following topics


1) Determine the family of orthogonal trajectories of the family y=x+cex.


2) Show that the solution curve satisfying (x2xy)y4=y3, where y1 as x1,x is a conic section. Identify the curve.


3) Solve (1+x)2y+(1+x)y+y=4cos(ln(1+x)),y(0)=1,y(e1)=cos1.1


4) Obtain the general solution of y+2y+2y=4exx2sinx


5) Find the general solution of (xy3+y)dx+2(x2y2+x+y4)dy=0.


6) Obtain the general solution of (D4+2D32D)y=x+e2x, where Dy=dydx.



1) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of eo-axial circles


where g is a parameter.


2) Find three solutions of


which are linearly independent on every real interval.


3) Solve and examine for singular solution:



4) Solve



5) Given y=x is one solutions of


find another linearly independent solution by reducing order and write the general solation.


6) Solve by the method of variation of parameters
d2ydx2+a2y=secax,a is real.



1) If (Da)4enx is denoted by z, prove that zzn,2zn2,3zn3 all vanish when n=a. Hence show that enx,xenx,x2enx,x3enx are all solutions of (Da)4y=0. Here D stands for ddx.


2) Solve 4xP2(3x+1)2=0 and examine for singular solutions and extraneous loci. Interpret the results geometrically.



3)(i) Form the differential equation whose primitive is



3)(ii) Prove that the orthogonal trajectory of system of parabolas belongs to the system itself.


4) Using variation of parameters solve the differential equation


5.(i) Solve the equation by finding an integrating factor of


5.(ii) Verify that ϕ(x)=x2 is a solution of y2x2y=0 and find a second independent solution.


6) Show that the solution of (D2x+11)y=0, consists of Aex and n paris of terms of the form eαx(brcosαx+crsinαx), where a=cos2πr2n+1 and α=sin2πr2n+1, r=1,2,n and br, cr are arbitrary constants.



1) A tank of 100 liters capacity is initially full of water. Pure water is allowed to nun into the tank at the rate of 1 liter per minute and at the same time salt water containing 14kg of salt per liter flows into the tank at the rate of 1 liter per minute. The mixture (there is perfect mixing in the tank at all times) flows out at the rate of 2 liters per minute. Form the differential equation and find the amount of salt in the tank after t minutes. Find this when t=50 minutes.


2) A constant coefficient differential equation has auxiliary eqution expressible in factored form as P(m)=m3(m1)2(m2+2m+5)2. What is the order of the differential equation and find it general solution.


3) Solve x2(dydx)2+y(2x+y)dydx+y2=0.


4) Using differential equations, show that the system of confocal conics given by


λ real is self-orthogonal.


5) Solve (1x2)d2ydx2xdydxa2y=0 given that \(y=e^{a \sin^{-1} x\) is one solution of this equation.


6) Find a general solution of y+y=tanx,π2<x<π2 by variation of parameters.



1) Solve (x2+y2)(1+P)22(x+y)(1+p)(x+yp)+(x+yp)2=0 P=dydx. Interpret geometrically the factors in the P. and C-discriminants of the equation 8p3x=y(12p29).


2) Solve
(i) d2ydx2+2xdydx+a2x4y=0
(ii) d2ydx2+(tanx3cosx)dydx+2ycos2x=cos4x by varying parameters.


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