Paper II PYQs-2011
Section A
1.(a) Let be a group, and and be any two elements of . If and then show that where is the identity element of and
1.(b) Let be the set of all rational numbers. Show that is a field under the usual addition and multiplication.
1.(c) Determine whether is Riemann-integrable on [0,1] and justify your answer.
1.(d) Expand the function in a Laurent’s series valid for .
1.(e) Write the dual of the linear programming problem (LPP) : Minimize subject to Solve the dual graphically. Hence obtain the minimum objective function value of the above LPP.
2.(a) Let be the group of non-zero complex numbers under multiplication, and let be the set of complex numbers of absolute value Show that is isomorphic to the group of all positive real numbers under multipiication.
2.(b) Let the function be defined by Is integrable on [0,1] ? If is integrable, then evaluate
2.(c) Sketch the image of the infinite strip under the transformation
3.(a) Examine the convergence of and evaluate, if possible.
3.(b) Let be a group of order prime. Show that either is cyclic or is generated by with relations and
3.(c) Reduce the feasible solution , for the linear programming problem. Maximize subject to to a basic feasible solution.
4.(a) Evaluate over the triangle formed by the straight lines
4.(b) State Cauchy’s residue theorem. Using it, evaluate the integral counterclockwise around the circle
4.(c) A steel company has three open-hearth furnaces and four rolling mills. Transportation costs (rupees per quintal) for shipping steel from furnaces to rolling mills are given in the following table :
29 | 40 | 60 | 20 | 7 | |
80 | 40 | 50 | 70 | 10 | |
50 | 18 | 80 | 30 | 18 | |
4 | 8 | 8 | 15 |
Find the optimal shipping schedule.
Section B
5.(a) Reduce the equation to its canonical form and solve.
5.(b) For the data find the cubic function of .
5.(c) Solve by Gauss-Jacobi method of iteration the equations (correct to two decimal places)
5.(d) Find the Lagrangian for a simple pendulum and obtain the equation describing its motion.
5.(e) With usual notations, show that and for a uniform flow past a stationary cylinder are given by
6.(a) A uniform string of length is held fixed between the points and The two points of trisection are pulled aside through a distance on opposite sides of the equilibrium position and is released from rest at time . Find the displacement of the string at any latter time . What is the displacement of the string at the midpoint?
6.(b) Draw a flow chart to declare the results for the following examination system: 60 candidates take the examination. Each candidate writes one major and two minor papers. A candidate is declared to have passed in the examination if he/she gets a minimum of 40 in all the three papers separately and an average of 50 in all the three papers put together. Remaining candidates fail in the examination with an exemption in major if they obtain 60 and above and exemption in each minor if they obtain 50 and more in that minor.
6.(c) Find the smallest positive root of the equation correct to four decimal places using Newton-Raphson method. From this root, determine the positive square root of 3 correct to four decimal places.
7.(a) For a steady Poiseuille flow through a tube of uniform circular cross-section, show that
7.(b) Find the complementary function and particular integral of the equation
7.(c) The velocity of a particle at time is as follows :
8.(a) From a uniform sphere of radius a spherical sector of vertical angle is removed. Find the moment of inertia of the remainder mass about the axis of symmetry.
8.(b) Draw a flow chart to solve a quadratic equation with non-zero coefficients. The roots be classified as real distinct, real repeated and complex.
8.(c) Is a possible velocity vector of an incompressible fluid motion? If so, find the stream function and velocity potential of the motion.