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We will cover following topics


1) A heavy chain of length 2/ has one end tied at A and the other is attached to a small heavy ring which can slide on a rough horizontal rod which passes through A. If the weight of the ring be n times the weight of the chain, show that its greatest possible distance from A is 21λlog{λ+(1+λ2)}, where 1λ=μ(2n+1)μ being the coefficient of friction.



1) A uniform beam rests tangentially upon a smooth curve in a vertical plane and one end of the beam rests against a smooth vertical wall, If the beam is in equilibrium in any position, find the equation to the curve.



1) A regular hexagon ABCDEF consists of six equal rods which are each of weight W and are freely jointed together. The hexagon rests in a vertical plane and AB is in contact with a horizontal table. If C and F be connected by a light string, prove that the tension in the string is W3.


2) Show that the length of an endless chain which will hang oyer a circular pulley of radius r so as to be in contact with two- thirds of the circumference of the pulley is r{3log(2+3)+4π3}.


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