Paper II PYQs-2018
Section A
1.(a) Prove that a non-commutative group of order 2n
1.(b) A function f:[0,1]→[0,1]
1.(c) If u=(x−1)3−3xy2+3y2
1.(d) Solve by simplex method the following
Linear Programming Problem:\
Maximize Z=3x1+2x2+5x3
2.(a) Find all the homomorphism from the group (Z,+)
2.(b) Consider the function f
Show that fxy≠fyx
2.(c) Prove that
2.(d) Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Prove that an ideal P of R is prime if and only if the quotient ring R/P is an integgral domain.
3.(a) Find the minimum value of x2+y2+z2
3.(b) Show by an example that in a finite commutative ring, every maximal ideal need not be prime.
3.(c) Evalute the integral ∫2π0cos2nθdθ
3.(d) Show that the improper integral ∫10sin1x√xdx
4.(a) Show that
4.(b) Let fn(x)=xn+x2,x∈[0,1].
4.(c) Let H be a cyclic subgroup of a group G
4.(d) The capacities of three production facilities S1,S2S3
D1 |
D2 |
D3 |
D4 |
Capacity |
S1 |
19 | 30 | 50 | 10 | 7 |
S2 |
70 | 30 | 40 | 60 | 9 |
S3 |
40 | 8 | 70 | 20 | 18 |
Demand |
5 | 8 | 7 | 14 | 34 |
Find the minimum transportation cost using Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM).
Section B
5.(a) Find the partia; differential equation of all planes which are at a constant distance a from the origin.
5.(b) A solid of revolution is formed by rotating abput the x-axis,the area between the x-axis, the line x=0 and a curve through the points with the following coordinates:
x | 0.0 | 0.25 | 0.50 | 0.75 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.50 |
y | 1.0 | 0.9896 | 0.9589 | 0.9089 | 0.8415 | 0.8029 | 0.7635 |
Estimate the volume of the solid formed using Weddle’s rule.
5.(c) Write a program in BASIC to multiply two matrices (checking for consistency for multiplication is required).
5.(d) Air,obeying Boyle’s law ,is in motion in a uniform tube of a small section. Prove that if ρ
6.(a) Find the complete integral of the partial differential equation (p2+q2)x=zp
6.(b) Apply fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method to compute y
6.(c) For a particle having charge q and moving in an electromagnetic field, the potential energy is U=q(ϕ−→v⋅→A)
6.(d) Write a program in BASIC to implement trapezoidal rule to compute ∫100e−x2dx
7.(a) Solve (z2−2yz−y2)p+(xy+zx)q=xy−zx
7.(b) The velocity v(km/min) of a moped is given at fixed interval of time(min) as below:
t | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 1.0 | 1.1 |
v | 1.00 | 1.104987 | 1.219779 | 1.34385 | 1.476122 | 1.615146 | 1.758819 | 1.904497 | 2.049009 | 2.18874 | 2.31977 |
Estimate the distance covered during the time (use Simpson’s one-third rule).
7.(c) Assuming a 16-bit computer representation of signed integers, represent -44 in 2′ s complement represcntation.
7.(d) In the case of two-dimensional motion of a liquid streaming past a fixed circular disc, the velocity at infinity is u in a fixed distance, where u is a variable. Show that the maximum value of the velocity at any point of the fluid is 2u. Prove that the force necessary to hold the disc is 2m˙u, where m is the mass of the liquid displaced by the disc.
8.(a) Find a real function V of x and y,satisfying ∂2V∂x2+∂V∂y2=−4π(x2+y2) reducing to zero, where y=0.
8.(b) The equation x6−x4−x3−1=0 has one root between 1.4 and1.5. Find the root to four places of decimal by regula-falsi method.
8.(c) A particle of mass m is constrained to move on the inner surface of a cone of semi-angle α under the action of gravity. Write the equation of constraint and mention the generalized coordinates. Write down the equation of motion.
8.(d)Two sources each of strength m,are placed at the points (−a,0),(a,0) and a sink of strength 2m at the origin. Show that the streamlines are the curves (x2+y2)2=a2(x2−y2+λxy), where λ is a variable parameter. Show also that the fluid speed at any point is (2ma2)/(r1r2r3). where r1,r2,r3 are the distances of the point from the sources and the sink.