Computer Systems
We will cover following topics
Basic Logic Gates And Truth Tables
1) Realize the following expressions by using NAND gates only:
where represents the complement of .
[2009, 6M]
2) Represent in NOR to NOR logic network.
[2008, 6M]
3) Prove De Morgan’s Theorem $(p+q)^{\prime}=p^{\prime} \cdot q^{\prime}$ by means of a truth table.
Boolean Algebra
1) Given the Boolean expression
(i) Draw the logical diagram for the expression.
(ii) Minimize the expression.
(iii) Draw the logical diagram for the reduced expression.
[2019, 15M]
2) Simplify the boolean expression:
by using the laws of boolean algebra. From its truth table write it in minterm normal form.
[2018, 15M]
3) Write the Boolean expression in the simplest form using Boolean postulate rules. Mention the rules used during simplification. Verify your result by constructing the truth table for the given expression and for its simplest form.
[2017, 10M]
4) Let , , be Boolean variable denote complement , of is an expression for OR and is an expression for AND . Then simplify the following expression and draw a block diagram of the simplified expression using AND and OR gates.
[2016, 15M]
5) Find the principal (or canonical) disjunctive normal form in three variables , , for the Boolean expression . Is the given Boolean expression a contradiction or a tautology?
[2015, 10M]
6) Use only AND and OR logic gates to construct a logic circuit for the Boolean expression .
[2014, 10M]
7) For any Boolean variables and , show that .
[2014, 15M]
8) Let be an arbitrary but fixed Boolean algebra with operations , and , and the zero and the unit element denoted by 0 and 1 respectively. Let , , be elements of . If be such that and , then prove that .
[2011, 6M]
9) Find the logic circuit that represents the following Boolean function. Find also an equivalent simpler circuit:
[2011, 20M]
10) If , find the value of .
[2010, 6M]
11) Using Boolean algebra, simplify the following expressions:
(b) , where represents the complement of .
[2010, 5M]
12) Find the values of two valued Boolean variables , , , by solving the following simultaneous equations:
where represents the complement of .
[2009, 6M]
13) State the principle of duality in Boolean algebra and give the dual of the Boolean expressions and .
[2008, 6M]
14) Given , show that .
[2001, 6M]