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Paper I PYQs-2012

Section A

1.(a) Define a function f of two real variables in the plane by: f(x,y)={x3cos1y+y3cos1xx2+y2, for x,y00, otherwise 

Check the continuity and differentiability of f at (0,0).


1.(b) Let p and q be positive real numbers such that 1p + 1q =1. Show that for real numbers a, b0,



1.(c) Prove or disprove the following statement: If B={b1,b2,b3,b4,b5} is a basis for R5 and V is a two-dimensional subspace of R5, then V has a basis made of two members of B.


1.(d) Let T:R3R3 be the linear transformation defined by T(α,β,γ)=(α+2β3γ,2α+5β4γ,α+4β+γ. Find a basis and the dimension of the image of T and the kernel of T.


1.(e) Prove that two of the straight lines represented by the equation x3+bx2y+cxy2+y3=0 will be at right angles, if b+c=2.


2.(a)(i) Let V be the vector space of all 2×2 matrices over the field of real numbers. Let W be the set consisting of all matrices with zero determinant. Is W a subspace of V? Justify your answer?


2.(a)(ii) Find the dimension and a basis for the space W of all solutions of the following homogeneous system using matrix notation:



2.(b)(i) Consider the linear mapping f:R2R2 by f(x,y)=(3x+4y,2x5y). Find the matrix A relative to the basis {(1,0),(0,1)} and the matrix B relative to the basis {(1,2),(2,3)}.


2.(b)(ii) If λ is a characteristic root of a non-singular matrix A, then prove that |A|λ is a characteristic root of AdjA.


2.(c) Let H=[1i2+ii21i2i1+i2] be a Hermitian matrix. Find a non-singular matrix P such that D=PTHP¯ is diagonal.


3.(a) Find the points of local extrema and saddle points of the function f for two variable defined by f(x,y)=x3+y363(x+y)+12xy.


3.(b) Define a sequence sn of real numbers by sn=i=1n(log(n+i)logn)2n+i. Does limnsn exist? If so, compute the value of this limit and justify your answer.


3.(c) Find all the real values of p and q so that the integral 01xp(log1x)qdx converges.


4.(a) Compute the volume of the solid enclosed between the surfaces x2+y2=9 and x2+z2=9.


4.(b) A variable plane is parallel to the plane xa+yb+zc=0 and meets the axes in A, B, C respectively. Prove that circle ABC lies on the cone yz(bc+cb)+zx(ca+ac)+xy(ab+ba)=0.


4.(c) Show that locus of a point from which three mutually perpendicular tangent lines can be drawn to the paraboloid x2+y2+2z2=0 is x2+y2+4z=1.


Section B

5.(a) Solve dydx=2xye(x/y)2y2(1+e(x/y)2)+2x2e(x/y)2.


5.(b) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves x2+y2=ax.


5.(c) Using Laplace transforms, solve the initial value problem y+2y+y=et, y(0)=1, y(0)=1.


5.(d) A particle moves with an acceleration


towards the origin. It it starts from rest at a distance a from the origin, find its velocity when its distance from the origin is a2.


5.(e) If A=x2yzi2xz3j+xz2k, B=2zi+yjx2k, find the value of 2xy(A+B) at (1,0,2).


6.(a) Show that the differential equation (2xylogy)dx+(x2+y2y2+1)dy=0 is not exact. Find an integrating factor and hence, the solution of the equation.


6.(b) Find the general solution of the equation yy=12x2+6x.


6.(c) Solve the ordinary differential equation x(x1)y(2x1)y+2y=x2(2x3).


7.(a) A heavy ring of mass m, slides on a smooth vertical rod and is attached to a light string which passes over a small pulley distant a from the rod and has a mass M(>m) fastened to its other end. Show that if the ring be dropped from a point in the rod in the same horizontal plane as the pulley, it will descend a distance 2MmaM2m2 before coming to rest.


7.(b) A heavy hemispherical shell of radius a has a particle attached to a point on the rim, and rests with the curved surface in contact with a rough sphere of radius b at the highest point. Prove that if ba>51, the equilibrium is stable, whatever be the weight of the particle.


7.(c) The end links of a uniform chain slide along a fixed rough horizontal rod. Prove that the ratio of the maximum span to the length of the chain is μlog[1+1+μ2μ], where μ is the coefficient of friction.


8.(a) Derive the Frenet-Serret formulae. Define the curvature and torsion for a space curve. Compute them for the space curve x=t, y=t2, z=23t3. Show that the curvature and torsion are equal for this curve.


8.(b) Verify Green’s theorem in the plane for C[xy+y2dx+x2dy] where C is the closed curve of the region bounded by y=x and y=x2.


8.(c) If F=yi+(x2xz)jxyk, evaluate S(×F).nds, where S is the surface of the sphere x2+y2+z2=a2 above the xyplane.


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