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Test 2: Real Analysis

Instruction: Select the correct option corresponding to questions given below in the form shared at the bottom

Total Marks: 75

1) The value of limn1n(1+21/2+31/3+..+n1/n)= is given by:

b) 0
c) 1
d) limit does not exist

2) If x0, the series 12x24+135246x48+13579246810x612+ converges for:

a) x[0,1]
b) x[0,1)
c) x[1,)
d) x(1,)

3) Find the values of p for which the series 1(log2)p+1(log3)p+1(log4)p+ converges:

a) p[0,1)
b) p(1,)
c) p(0,)
d) The series is divergent for all values of p

4) The series 12x+1324x2+135246x3+..,x>0 converges for:

a) x(0,1]
b) x(0,1)
c) x[1,)
d) x(1,)

5) The series 1+αβ1γx+α(α+1)β(β+1)12γ(γ+1)x2+α(α+1)(α+2)β(β+1)(β+2)123γ(γ+1)(γ+2)x3+, x1 converges for:

a) x<1
b) x>1
c) xR
d) The series does not converge for any values of x

6) The series 135(2nI)2462nx2n2n converges for:

a) x2<1
b) x21
c) x2>1
d) The series does not converge for any values of x

7) For Riemann integrability, condition of continuity is

a) necessary
b) sufficient
c) necessary and sufficent
d) None of these

8) Let fn(x)=(sinnx)/n,0x1. Find mN such that |fn(x)0|<1/10 for n>m for all x[0,1].

a) 1
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12

9) The integral π/20sinxlogsinx converges to:

a) log(6/e)
b) log(4/e)
c) log(3/e)
d) log(2/e)

10) The integral π/20sinxxpdx converges for:

a) p<2
b) p<1
c) p<1
d) p>1

11) If α0,β0, then show that 0xβdx1+xαsin2x converges for:

a) α>2(β+1)
b) α<2(β+1)
c) β>2(α+1)
d) β><(α+1)

12) If F(x)=(1/x2)×x4{4t23F(t)}dt, then what is F(4)? a) 32/19
b) 64/3
c) 64/19
d) 16/3

13) The value of limx0xex2x0et2dt is given by:

a) 0 b) 1
c) does not exist
d) -1

14) The maximum value of (1/x2)2x2 is given by:

b) e1/e
c) e2/e
d) e4/e

15) The the dimensions of a right circular cone of maximum volume which can be circumscribed about a sphere of radius a are given by:

a) radius= a2, height = 4a
b) radius= a/2, height = 2a
c) radius= a2, height = 8a
d) radius= a/2, height = 42a

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