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We will cover following topics


1) Solve: pq=xmynz2l


2) Prove that if x31+x32+x33=1 when z=0, the solution of the equation (Sx1)p1+(Sx2)p2+(Sx3)p3=Sz can be given in the form S3{(x1z)3+(x2z)3+(x3z)3}4=(x1+x2+x33z)3 where S=x1+x2+x3+z and pi=zxi,i=1,2,3


3) Solve by Charpit’s method the equation p2x(x1)+2pqxy+q2y(y1)2pxz2qyz+z2=0


4) Solve: (D2DD2D2)z=2x+3y+e3x+4y


5) A tightly stretched string with fixed end points x=0,x=l is initially at rest in equilibrium position. If it is set vibrating by giving each point x of it a velocity kx(lx), obtain at time t the displacement y at a distance x from the end x=0.



1) Verify that the differential equation (y2+yz)dx+(xz+z2)dy+(y2xy)dz=0
is integrable and find its primitive.


2) Find the surface which intersects the surface of the system z(x+y)=c(3z+1),c=a constant,orthogonally and which passes through the circle x2+y2=1,z=1.


3) Find the characteristics pf the equation pq=z, and determine the integral surface which passes through the parabola x=0,y=z.


4) Use Charpit’s method to find a complete integral to p2+q22px2qy+1=0.


5) Find the solution of the equation 2zx2+2zy2=e1cosy
which x0 as x and has the value cosy when x=0.


6) One end of the string (x=0) is fixed, and the point x=a is made to oscillate, so that at time t the displacement is g(t).Show that the displacement u(x,t) of the point x at the time t is given by u(x,t)=f(ctx)f(ct+x) where f is a function satisying the relation f(t+2a)=f(t)g(t+ac).



1) Find the differential equation of the set of all right circular cones whose axes coincide with the Z-axis. Form the differential equation by eliminating a, b and c from Z=a(x+y)+b(xy)+abt+c.


2) Solve: xux+yuy+wuz=xyz


3) Find the integral surface of the linear partial differential equation x(y2+z)zxy(x2+z)zy=(x2y2)z through the straight line x+y=0,z=1.


4) Use Charpit’s method to find complete integral of 2x[(zzy)2+1]=z)zx.


5) Find a real function V(x,y), which reduces to zero when y=0 and satisfies the equation 2Vx2+2Vy2=4π(x2+y2).


6) Apply Jacobi’s method to find a complete integral of the equation 2zx1x1x3+3zx2x23+(zx2)2zx3=0.



1) Find the differential equation of all surfaces of revolution having z-axis as the axis of rotation.


2) Form the differential equation by eliminating a and b from z=(x2+a)(y2+b).


3) Find the equation of surfinces satisfying 4yzp+q+2y=0 and passing through y2+z2=1, x+z=2


4) Solve (y+z)p+(z+x)q=x+y.


5) Use Charpit’s method to find complete integral of z2(p2z2+q2)=1.


6) Solve (D3XD3Y)z=x3y3.


7) Apply Jacobi’s method to find complete integral of p13+p22+p3=1. Here p1=zx1,p2=zx2,p3=zx3 and z is a function of x1,x2,x3



1) Find the differential equation of all spheres of radius λ having their centre in xy-plane.


2) Form differential equation by eliminating f and g from z=f(x2y)+g(x2+y)


3) Solve: z2(p2+q2+1)=c2.


4) Find the integral surface of the equation (xy)y2p+(yx)x2q=(x2+y2)z passing through the curve xz=a3,y=0


5) Apply Charpit’s method to find the complete integral of z=px+a+p2+q2


6) Solve: 2zx2+2zy2=cosmxcosny


7) Find a surface passing through the lines z=x=0 and z1=xy=0 satisfying 2zx242zxy+42zy2=0



1) In the context of a partial differential equation of the first order in three independent variables, define and illustrate the terms: (i) the complete integral (ii) the singular integral


2) Find the general integral of (y+z+w)wx+(z+x+w)wy+(x+y+w)wz=x+y+z


3) Obtain the differential equation of the surfaces which are the envelopes of a one-parameter family of planes.


4.(a) Explain in detail the Charpit’s method of solving the nonlinear partial differential equation fx,y,z,(zx,zy)=0


4.(b) Solve zx1zx2zx3=z3x1x2x3


5) Solve (D3x7DxD2y6D3y)z=sin(x+2y)+e3x+y


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