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Paper I PYQs-2014

Section A

1.(a) Show that u1=(1,1,0),u2=(1,1,0) and u3=(0,1,1) form a basis for R3. Express (5,3,4) in terms of u1,u2 and u3.


1.(b) For the matrix A=[100101010]. Prove that An=An2+A2I,n3.


1.(c) Show that the function given by


is continuous but not differentiable at x=0.


1.(d) Evaluate Rysinxxdxdy over R where R={(x,y):yxπ/2,0yπ/2}.


1.(e) Prove that the locus of a variable line which intersects the three lines:


is the surface y2m2x2=z2c2.


2.(a) Let B=[1121]. Find all eigen values and corresponding eigen vectors of B viewed as a matrix over: (i) the real field R (ii) the complex field C.


2.(b) If xyz=a3 then show that the minimum value of x2+y2+z2 is 3a2.


2.(c) Prove that every sphere passing through the circle x2+y2+2ax+r2=0, z=0 cut orthogonally every sphere through the circle x2+z2=r2, y=0.


2.(d) Show that the mapping T:V2(R¯)V3(R¯) defined as T(a,b)=(a+b,ab,b) is a linear transformation. Find the range, rank and nullity of T¯.


3.(a) Examine whether the matrix A=[223216120] is diagonalizable. Find all eigen values. Then obtain a matrix P such that P1AP is a digonal matrix.


3.(b) A moving plane passes throughla fixed point (2,2,2) and meets the coordinate axes at the points A, B, C, all away from the origin O. Find the locus of the centre of the sphere passing through the points O, A,\mathrm{B}, C


3.(c) Evaluate the integral I=\int_{0}^{\infty} 2^{-a x^{2}} d x using Gamma function.


3.(d) Prove that the equation:


represents a cone with vertex at (1,2,3).


4.(a) Let f be a real valued function defined on [0,1] as follows:


where a is an integer greater than 2. Show that 01f(x)dx exists and is equal to aa+1.


4.(b) Prove that the plane ax+by+cz=0 cuts the cone yz+zx+xy=0 in perpendicular lines if 1a+1b+1c=0.


4.(c) Evaluate the integral Ryx2+y2+1dxdy over the region R bounded between 0xy22 and 0y2.


4.(d) Consider the linear mapping F:R2R2 given as F(x,y)=(3x+4y,2x5y) with usual basis.

Find the matrix associated with the linear transformation relative to the basis S={u1,u2} where u1=(1,2),u2=(2,3).


Section B

5.(a) Solve the differential equation : y=2px+p2y,p=dydx

and obtain the non-singular solution.


5.(b) Solve :



5.(c) A particle whose mass is m, is acted upon by a force mμ(x+a4x3) towards the origin. If it starts from rest at a distance ‘a’ from the origin, prove that it will arrive at the origin in time π4μ.


5.(d) A hollow weightless hemisphere filled with liquid is suspended from a point on the rim of its base. Show that the ratio of the thrust on the plane base to the weight of the contained liquid is 12:73.


5.(e) For three vectors show that:



6.(a) Solve the following differential equation:



6.(b) An engine, working at a constant rate H, draws a load M against a resistance R. Show that the maximum speed is H/R and the time taken to attain half of this speed is MHR2(log212)


6.(c) Solve by the method of variation of parameters:



6.(d) For the vector A¯=xi^+yj^+2k^x2+y2+z2 examine if A¯ is an irrotational vector. Then determine ϕ such that A¯=ϕ.


7.(a) A solid consisting of a cone and a hemisphere on the same base rests on a rough horizontal table with the hemisphere in contact with the table. Shoy that the largest height of the cone so that the equilibrium is stable is 3× radius of hemisphere.


7.(b) Evaluate S×A¯n¯dS for A¯=(x2+y4)i^+3xyj^+(2xz+z2)k^ and S is the surface of hemisphere x2+y2+z2=16 above xy plane.


7.(c) Solve the D.E.:



8.(a) A semi circular disc rests in a vertical plane with its curved edge on a rough horizontal and equally rough yertical plane. If the coeff. of friction is μ, prove that the greatest angle that the bounding diameter can make with the horizontal plane is:



8.(b) A body floating in water has volumes V1,V2 and V3 above the surface when the densities of the surrounding air are ρ1,ρ2,ρ3 respectively. Prove that:



8.(c) Verify the divergence theorem for A¯=4xi^2y2j^+z2k^ over the region x2+y2=4, z=0, z=3.


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