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We will cover following topics



1) Show that the series (1)n[n2+1n] Is conditionally convergent.


2) Applying Cauchy’s criterion for convergence, show that the sequence (sn) defined by sn=1+12+13+ is not convergent.


3) Show that D(xy)(x+y)3dxdy does not exist, where D={(x,y)R20x1,0y1}


4) If f:R2R such that f(x,y)={xy(x2y2)x2+y2,(x,y)(0,0)0,(x,y)=(0,0)
Then show that fxyfyx



1) Evaluate the double integral Rx2dxdy where R is the region bounded by the line y=x and tha curve y=x2z


2) Show that the function f(x) defined by f(x)=1x,x[1,) is uniformly continuous on [1,)


3) Show that the series x4+x41+x4+x4(1+x4)2+ is not uniformly convergent on [0,1).


4) Examine the following function for extrema: f(x1,x2)=x316x1x2+3x2224x1+4.


5) Show that (i) h(x)=x+x,x0 is continuous on [0,) (ii) h(x)=esinx is continuous on R


6) If f(x,y)={x2y2x2+y2, where ,x,y00, where x=y=0 show that at (0,0)2fxy2fvy



1) Evaluate the double integral Rx2dxdy where R is the region bounded by the line y=x and tha curve y=x2


2) Show that the function f(x) defined by f(x)=1x,x[1,) is uniformly continuous on [1,)


3) Show that (i) h(x)=x+x,x0 is continuous on [0,) (ii) h(x)=esinx is continuous on R.


4) If f(x,y)=xyx2y2x2+y2, when (x,y)(0,0) and f(0,0)=0, show that at (0,0) 2fxy2fyx


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