1) Determine , and so that the matrix is orthogonal.
2) If and are subspaces of given by and , find .
3) Obtain the characteristic equation of the matrix and show that satisfies its characteristic equation. Hence determine the inverse of A.
4) If be a real skew-symmetric matrix of order , prove that the matrix is orthogonal, where stands for the identity matrix of order .
5) Find the row rank and column rank of the matrix
Hence determine the rank of .
6) Reduce the equation into canonical form and determine the nature of the quadric.
1) Suppose and are subspaces of the vector space generated by the sets
respectively. Determine dim .
2) Find the characteristic equation of the matrix
And verify that it is satisfied by .
3) Show that the solutions of the differential equation
is a subspace of the vector space of all real valued continuous functions.
4) Show that vectors (0,2,-4),(1,-2,-1), 1,-4,3 are linearly dependent. Also express as a linear combination of and 1,-4,3.
5) Is the matrix
similar over the field to a diagonal matrix? Is similar over the field to a diagonal matrix?
6) Determine the definiteness of the following quadratic form:
1) Let be the subspace of generated by the vectors (1,-2,5,-3),(2,3,1,-4) and . Find a basis and dimension of .
2) Find the symmetric matrix which corresponds to the following quadratic polynomial:
3) Let
Find all eigenvalues of and the corresponding eigenvectors.
4) Let be a Hermitian matrix. Find a non-singular matrix such that is diagonal.
5) Let be a linear transfonnation for which we know that , and . Find .
6) Let be defined by .
Let and be bases for and respectively, where
Find the matrix of with respect to and .
1) Let be the vector space of polynomial functions over real of degree at most 3. Let be the differentiation operator defined by .
(i) Show that is a basis for .
(ii) Find the matrix with respect to of .
(iii) Show that is a basis for .
(iv) Find the matrix , with respect to of D.
(v) Find the matrix of relative to and .
2) Find the eigen values and the corresponding eigenvectors of .
3) Show that the vectors , , form a basis for . Express as a linear combination of , and . Is the set linearly independent?
4) Determine a non-singular matrix such that is a diagonal matrix, where denotes the transpose of and .
5) Determine a non-singular matirx such that is a diagonal matrix, where denotes the transpose of , and .
6) Show that the real quadratic form in variables is positive semi-definite.