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We will cover following topics


1) Determine a, b and c so that the matrix A=(02bcabcabc) is orthogonal.


2) If S and T are subspaces of R4 given by S={(x,y,z,ω)R4:2x+y+3z+ω=0} and T={(x,y,z,ω)R4:x+2y+z+3ω=0}, find dimST.


3) Obtain the characteristic equation of the matrix A=(1221) and show that A satisfies its characteristic equation. Hence determine the inverse of A.


4) If S be a real skew-symmetric matrix of order n, prove that the matrix P=(In+S)1(InS) is orthogonal, where In stands for the identity matrix of order n.


5) Find the row rank and column rank of the matrix
Hence determine the rank of A.


6) Reduce the equation 2y22xy2yz+2zxx2y+3z2=0 into canonical form and determine the nature of the quadric.



1) Suppose U and W are subspaces of the vector space R4(R) generated by the sets


respectively. Determine dim (U+W).


2) Find the characteristic equation of the matrix

A=[211121112] And verify that it is satisfied by A.


3) Show that the solutions of the differential equation


is a subspace of the vector space of all real valued continuous functions.


4) Show that vectors (0,2,-4),(1,-2,-1), 1,-4,3) are linearly dependent. Also express (0,2,4) as a linear combination of (12,1) and 1,-4,3).


5) Is the matrix


similar over the field R to a diagonal matrix? Is A similar over the field C to a diagonal matrix?


6) Determine the definiteness of the following quadratic form:




1) Let W be the subspace of R4 generated by the vectors (1,-2,5,-3),(2,3,1,-4) and (3,8,3,5). Find a basis and dimension of W.


2) Find the symmetric matrix which corresponds to the following quadratic polynomial:



3) Let


Find all eigenvalues of A and the corresponding eigenvectors.


4) Let H=(11+i21i423i22+3i7) be a Hermitian matrix. Find a non-singular matrix P such that PHP¯ is diagonal.


5) Let L:R3R2 be a linear transfonnation for which we know that L(1,0,0)=(2,1), L(0,1,0)=(3,1) and L(0,0,1)=(1,2). Find L(3,4,2).


6) Let L:R3R2 be defined by L[[xyz])=[x+yyz].

Let S=[v1,v2,v3] and T=[w1,w2] be bases for R3 and R2 respectively, where

v1=[100],v2=[010],v3=[001]w1=[10] and w2=[01]

Find the matrix of L with respect to S and T.



1) Let V=P2(R) be the vector space of polynomial functions over real of degree at most 3. Let D:VV be the differentiation operator defined by D(a0+a1x+a2x2+a3x3)=a1+2a2x+3a3x2,xR.
(i) Show that B{1,x,x2,x3} is a basis for V.
(ii) Find the matrix [D]B with respect to B of D.
(iii) Show that B{1,(x+1),(x+1)2,(x+1)3} is a basis for V.
(iv) Find the matrix [D]B, with respect to B of D.
(v) Find the matrix [D]B,B of D relative to B and B.


2) Find the eigen values and the corresponding eigenvectors of A=(2123).


3) Show that the vectors v1=(1,1,1), v2=(0,1,1), v3=(0,0,1) form a basis for R(3). Express v=(3,1,4) as a linear combination of v1, v2 and v3. Is the set S={v,v1,v2,v2,v3} linearly independent?


4) Determine a non-singular matrix P such that PAP is a diagonal matrix, where P denotes the transpose of P, and A=(012103230).


5) Determine a non-singular matirx P such that 4PAP is a diagonal matrix, where P denotes the transpose of P, and A=[012103230].


6) Show that the real quadratic form ϕ=n(x12+x22+.+xn2)(x1+x2++xn)2 in n variables is positive semi-definite.


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