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We will cover following topics

Definite Integrals

Riemanns’ Definition of Definite Integrals

The definite integral of a continuous function f over the interval [a,b] is the limit of a Riemann sum as the number of subdivisions approach infinity. Mathematically,


where Δx=ban, and xi=a+Δxi

Indefinite Integrals

An integral of the form f(z)dz, without lower and upper limits, is called an indefinite integral.

It is also called an antiderivative.

Infinite Integrals

These occur when the limits of integration or the integrand become infinite.

Improper Integrals

If the interval over which the definite integral baf(x)dx is defined is infinite or if the function f(x) has a discontinuity in [a,b] or both of these conditions are satisfied, the integral is called an improper integral.


  1. The improper integral 11xpdx converges when p>1 and diverges when p1$.

  2. The improper integral 101xpdx converges when p<1 and diverges when p1.

Direct Comparison Test for Improper Integrals: Let f and g be continuous on [a,) where 0f(x)g(x) for all x in [a,).

  1. If ag(x)dx converges, then af(x)dx converges.
  2. If af(x)dx diverges, then ag(x)dx diverges.

Limit Comparison Test for Improper Integrals: Let f and g be continuous functions on [a,) where f(x)>0 and g(x)>0 for all x. If

limxf(x)g(x)=L, 0<L<

then af(x)dx and ag(x)dx either both converge or both diverge.

Double Integrals

Consider a function of two variables f(x,y). The definite integral denoted by Rf(x,y)dA, where R is the region of integration in xyplane, is called as a double inetegral.

For positive f(x,y), this definite integral gives the volume under the surface f(x,y) and above xyplane, for x and y in the region R.

Triple Integrals

The integration of a function f(x,y,z) over a three-dimensional region R in xyzspace is called a triple integral and is denoted as:



Definite Integrals

1) Evaluate the following integral:


[2015, 10M]

2) Evaluate 10loge(1+x)1+x2dx

[2014, 10M]

Infinite Integrals

1) Show that exxn is bounded on [0,) for all positive integral values of n. Using this result, show that 0exxndx exists.

[2007, 25M]

2) Show that 00e(x2+y2)dxdy=π4

[2002, 12M]

Improper Integrals

1) Examine if the improper integral 302xdx(1x2)2/3 exists.

[2017, 10M]

2) Evaluate I=103xlog(1x)dx

[2016, 10M]

3) Evaluate 10(2xsin1xcos1x)dx

[2013, 10M]

4) Find all the real values of p and q so that the integral 10xp(log1x)qdx converges.

[2012, 20M]

5) Does the integral 111+x1xdx exist? If so, find its value.

[2010, 12M]

6) Evaluate 10(xnx)3dx

[2008, 12M]

7) Prove that the function f defined on [0,4] by f(x)=[x], the greatest integer x,x[0,4] is integrable on [0,4] and that 40f(x)dx=6.

[2004, 12M]

8) Test the convergent of the integrals:-
i) 10dxx1/3(1+x2)
ii) 0sin2xx2dx

[2003, 15M]

9) Test the convergence of 10sin(1x)xdx.

[2001, 12M]

Double Integrals

1) Evaluate the integral a0xx/axdydxx2+y2.

[2018, 12M]

2) Integrate the function f(x,y)=xy(x2+y2) over the domain R:{3x2y23,1xy4}

[2017, 10M]

3) Prove that π3dxdyx2+(y2)2π, where D is the unit disc.

[2017, 10M]

4) Evaluate Rf(x,y)dxdy over the rectangle R=[0,1;0,1], where f(x,y)={x+y, if x2<y<2x20,

[2016, 15M]

5) Evaluate the integral (xy)2cos2(x+y)dxdy where R is the rhombus with successive vertices as (π,0), (2π,π), (π,2π), (0,π).

[2015, 12M]

6) Evaluate R|yx2|dxdy where R=[1,1;0,2].

[2015, 13M]

7) Evaluate DxydA, where D is the region bounded by the line y=x1 and the parabola y2=2x+6.

[2013, 15M]

8) Show that the function


is Riemann integrable m the interval [0, 2], where [α] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to α. Can you give an example of a function that is not Riemann integrable on [0, 2]? Compute 20f(x)dx, where f(x) is as above.

[2010, 12M]

9) Evaluate 10lnxdx.

[2011, 12M]

10) Evaluate I=s(xdydz+dzdx+xz2)dxdy, where S is the outer side of the part of the sphere x2+y2+z2=1 in the first octant.

[2009, 20M]

11) Evaluate the double integral ayxdxdyx2+y2 by changing the order of integration.

[2008, 20M]

12) Change the order of integration in 0xeyydydx and hence evaluate it.

[2006, 15M]

13) Find the x-coordinate of the centre of gravity of the solid lying inside the cylinder x2+y2=2ax, between the plane z=0 and the paraboloid x2+y2=az.

[2005, 15M]

14) Find the centre of gravity of the region bounded by the curve (xa)2/3+(xb)2/3=1 and both axes in the first quadrant, the density being ρ=kxy, where k is a constant.

[2002, 15M]

Triple Integrals

1) Let D be the region determine by the inequalities x>0,y>0,z<8 and z>x2+y2. Compute D2xdxdydz.

[2010, 20M]

2) Evaluate (x+y+z+1)2dxdydz over the region defined by x0, y0, z0, x+y+z1.

[2001, 15M]

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