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Paper II PYQs-2017

Section A

1.(a) Let x1=2 and xn+1=xn+20,n=1,2,3,, show that the sequence x1,x2,x3.. is convergent.


1.(b) Let G be a group of order n. Show that G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the permutation group Sn.


1.(c) Find the supremum and infimum of xsinx on the interval (0,π2]


1.(d) Determine all entire functions f(z) such that 0 is a removable singularity of f(1z).


1.(e) Using graphical method, find the maximum value of


subject to

4x+3y12 4x+y8 4xy8 x,y0


2.(a) Let f(t)=0t[x]dx where [x] denotes the largest integer less than or equal to x.
i) Determine all the real numbers t at which f is differentiable.
ii) Determine all the real numbers t at which f is continuous but not differentiable.


2.(b) Using contour integral method, prove that 0xsinmxa2+x2dx=π2ema.


2.(c) Let F be a field and F[x] denote the ring of polynomial over F in a single variable X. For f(X),g(X)F[X] with g(X)0, show that there exist q(X),r(X)F[X] such that degree r(X)< degree g(X) and f(X)=q(X)g(X)+r(X).


3.(a) Show that the groups Z5×Z7 and Z35 are isomorphic.


3.(b) Let f=u+iv be analytic function on the unit disc D={zC:|z|<1}. Show that 2ux2+2uy2=0=2vx2+2vy2 at all points of D.


3.(c) Solve the following linear programming problem by simplex method. Maximize z=3x1+5x2+4x3, subject to:


4.(a) For a function f:CC and n1, let f(n) denotes the nth derivative of f and f(0)=f. Let f be an entire function such that for some n1, f(n)(1k)=0 for all k=1, 2, 3, show that f is a polynomial.


4.(b) Find the initial basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem using Vogel’s approximation methods and find the cost.
Destinations D1D2D3D4D5O14703614O2123389O33140517838138



4.(c) Let n=1xn be a conditionally convergent series of real numbers. Show that there is a rearrangement n=1xπ(n) of the series n=1xn that converges to 100.


Section B

5.(a) Solve (D22DDD2)z=ex+2y+x3+sin2x where Dx, Dy, D22x2, D22y2.


5.(b) Explain the main steps of the Gauss-Jordan method and apply this method to find the inverse of the matrix [266286268].


5.(c) Write the Boolean expression z(y+z)(x+y+z) in the simplest form using Boolean postulate rules. Mention the rules used during simplification. Verify your result by constructing the truth table for the given expression and for its simplest form.


5.(d) Let Γ be a closed curve in xyplane and let S denote the region bounded by the curve Γ. Let 2wx2+2wy2=f(x,y)(x,y)S. If f is prescribed at each point (x,y) of S and w is prescribed on the boundary Γ of S then prove that any solution w=w(x,y), satisfying these conditions, is unique.


5.(e) Show that the moment of inertia of an elliptic area of mass M and semi-axis a and b about a semi-diameter of length r is 14Ma2b2r2. Further, prove that the moment of inertia about a tangent is 5M4p2, where p is the perpendicular distance from the centre of the ellipse to the tangent.


6.(a) Find a complete integral of the partial differential equation 2(pq+yp+qx)+x2+y2=0.


6.(b) For given equidistant values u1, u0, u1 and u2, a value is interpolated by Lagrange’s formula. Show that it may be written in the form ux=yu0+y(y21)3!Δ2u1+x(x21)3!Δ2u0, where x+y=1.


6.(c) Two uniform rods AB and AC, each of mass m and length 2a, are smoothly hinged together at A and move on a horizontal plane. At time t, the mass centre of the road is at the point (ξ,η) referred to fixed perpendicular axes Ox, Oy in the plane, and the rods make angles θ±ϕ with Ox. Prove that the kinetic energy of the system is m[ξ2+η2+(13+sin2ϕ)a2θ2+(13+cos2ϕ)a2ϕ2]. Also derive Lagrange’s equation of motion for the system if an external force with components [X,Y] along the axes acts at A.


7.(a) Reduce the equation y22zx22xy2zxy+x22zy2=y2xzx+x2yzy to canonical form and hence solve it.


7.(b) Derive the formula abydx=3h8[(y0+yn)+3(y1+y2+y4+y5++yn1)+2(y3+y6+yn3)]. Is there any restriction on n? State that condition. What is the error bounded in the case of Simpson’s 38th rule?


7.(c) A stream is rushing from a boiler through a conical pipe, the diameters of the ends of which are D and d. If V and v be the corresponding velocities of the stream and if the motion is assumed to steady and diverging from the vertex of the cone, then prove that vV=D2d2e(u2v2)/2K, where K is the pressure divided by the density and is constant.


Let AB and AB be the ends of the conical pipe such that AB=d and AB=D. Let ρ1 and ρ2 be densities of the stream at AB and AB. By principle of conservation of mass, the mass of the stream that enters the end AB and leaves at the end AB must be the same. Hence the equation of continuity is π(d/2)2vρ1=π(D/2)2Vρ2

so that vV=D2d2×ρ2ρ1(1)


By Bernoulli’s theorem (in absence of external forces like gravity), we have

Given that p/ρ=k so that


(2) reduces to
kdρρ+12q2=C (using (3))
Integrating above, we get
klogρ+q2/2=C, C being an arbitrary constant

When q=v,ρ=ρ1 and  when q=V,ρ=ρ2. Hence (4) yields
klogρ1+v2/2=C and klogρ2+V2/2=C
Subtracting, k(logρ2logρ1)+(V2v2)/2=0

log(ρ2/ρ1)=(v2V2)2k or ρ2/ρ1=e(v2V2)2k
Using (5), (1) reduces to v/V=(D2/d2)×e(v2V2)/2k

Hence, proved.

8.(a) Given the one-dimensional wave equation 2yt2=c22yx2; t>0, where c2=Tm, T the constant tension in the string and m is the mass per unit length of the string.

(i) Find the appropriate solution of the wave equation.
(ii) Find also the solution under the conditions y(0,t)=0, y(l,t)=0 for all t and [yt]t=0=0, y(x,0)=asinπxt, 0<x<l, a>0.


8.(b) Write an algorithm in the form of a flow chart for Newton-Raphson method. Describe the cases of failure of this method.


8.(c) If the velocity of an incompressible fluid at the point (x,y,z) is given by (3xzr5,3yzr5,3z2r2r5), r2=x2+y2+z2 then prove that the liquid motion is possible and that the velocity potential is zr3. Further, determine the the streamlines.


Here u=3xzr5, v=3yzr5, w=3z2r2r5=3z2r51r3 (1) where
r2=x2+y2+z2 (2)

From (2),r/x=x/r,r/y=y/r,r/z=z/r From (1), ( 2 ) and (3), we have


Since the equation of continuity is satisfied by the given values of u,v and w, the motion is possible. Let ϕ be the required velocity potential. Then

dϕ=ϕxdx+ϕydy+ϕzdz=(udx+vdy+wdz), by definition of ϕ=[3xr5dx+3yzr5dy+3z2r2r5dz]=r2dz3z(xdx+ydy+zdz)r5 Thus, dϕ=r3dz3r2zdr(r3)2=d(zr3), using (2)



[Omitting constant of integration, for it has no significance in ϕ]

In spherical polar coordinates (r,θ,ϕ), we know that z=rcosθ. Hence the required potential is given by ϕ=(rcosθ)/r3=(cosθ)/r2. We now obtain the streamlines. The equations of streamlines are given by

dxu=dyv=dzw i.e., dx3xz/r5=dy3yz/r5=dz(3z2r2)/r5



Taking the first two members of (4) and simplifying, we get


Integrating, logxlogy=logc1 l.e. x/y=c1,c1 being a constant (5)

Now, each member in (4)=xdx+ydy+zdz3x2z+3y2z+3z3r2z=xdx+ydy+zdz3z(x2+y2+z2)r2z

=xdx+ydy+zdz3z(x2+y2+z2)z(x2+y2+z2)=xdx+ydy+zdz2z(x2+y2+z2), by (2)(6)

Taking the first member in (4) and (6), we get

dx3xz=xdx+ydy+zdz2z(x2+y2+z2) or 23dxx=122xdx+2ydy+2zdzx2+y2+z2

Integrating, (2/3)×logx=(1/2)×log(x2+y2+z2)+logc2 or x2/3=c2(x2+y2+z2)1/2,c2 being an arbitrary constant. (7).

The required streamlines are the curves of intersction of (5) and (7).

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