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Identities and Equations

We will cover following topics

Vector Identities

operator applied once to point functions

i) If f is a scalar point function and G is a vector point function, then (fG)=fG+f(G).

ii) If f is a scalar point function and G is a vector point function, then ×(fG)=f×G+f(×G).

iii) If F and G are vector point functions, then (FG)=(F)G+(G)F+F×(×G)+G×(×F)

iv) If F and G are vector point functions then (F×G)=G(×F)F(×G) i.e., div F×G=GCurtFFCurtG i.e., div 

v) If F and G are vector product functions, then ×(F×G)=F(G)G(F)+(G)F(F)G

operator applied twice to point functions.

i) If f is scalar point function, then div grad f=2f=2fx2+2fy2+2fz2.

ii) If F is a vector point function, then div curlF=0.

iii) If F is a vector point function, then curl(CurF)=×(×F)=(F)2F.


Vector Identities

1) Let v=v1ˆi+v2ˆj+v3ˆk. Show that curl(curlv)=grad(divv)2v

[2018, 12M]

2) Calculate 2(rn) and find its expression in terms of r and n, r being the distance of any point (x,y,z) from the origin, n being a constant and 2 being the Laplace operator.

[2013, 10M]

3) If u and v are two scalar fields and f is a vector field, such that uf=gradv, find the value of fcurlf.

[2011, 10M]

4) Prove that div(fV)=f(div¯V)+(grad.f)V, where f is a scalar function.

[2010, 20M]

5) Prove that 2f(r)=d2fdr2+2rdfdr where r=(x2+y2+z2)1/2. Hence find f(x) such that 2f(r)=0.

[2008, 15M]

6) Show that div(gradrn)=n(n+1)rn2, where r=x2+y2+z2.

[2009, 12M]

7) Show that curl (k×grad1r)+grad(kgrad1r)=0 where r is the distance from the origin and k is the unit vector in the direction OZ.

[2005, 15M]

8) Prove the identity (¯A¯B)=(¯B.¯A)¯A+(¯A)¯B+¯B×(ׯA)+¯A×(ׯB).

[2004, 15M]

9) Derive the identity V(ϕ2ψψ2ϕ)dV=S(ϕψψϕ)ˆndS where V is the volume bounded by the closed surface S.

[2004, 15M]

10) Show that if a, b and c are the reciprocals of the non-coplanar vectors a, b and c, then any vector r may be expressed as r=(r.a)a+(r.c)c.

[2003, 12M]

11) Prove the identity A2=2(A.)A+2A×(×A) where =ˆix+ˆjy+ˆkz.

[2003, 15M]

12) Let ¯R be the unit vector along the vector ¯r(t). Show that ¯RׯdRdt=¯rr2ׯdrdt where r=|r|.

[2002, 15M]

13) Show that (curl¯v)=grad(div¯v)2v.

[2002, 15M]

14) Show that curla×rr3=ar3+3rr5(ar), where a is constant vector.

[2001, 12M]

Vector Equations

1) Prove that the vector a=3i+ˆj2ˆk, b=ˆi+3ˆj+4ˆk, c=4ˆi2ˆj6ˆk can from the sides of a triangle. Find the length of the medians of the triangle.

[2016, 10M]

2) If A=x2yzi2xz3j+xz2k, B=2zi+yjx2k, find the value of 2xy(A+B) at (1,0,2).

[2012, 12M]

3) If ¯A=2ˆi+ˆk, ¯B=ˆi+ˆj+ˆk, ¯C=4ˆi3ˆj7ˆk, determine a vector ¯R satisfying the vector equation ¯RׯB=¯CׯB and ¯R¯A=0.

[2006, 15M]

4) Let D be a closed and bounded region having boundary S. Further, let f is a scalar function having second partial derivatives defined on it. Show that s( fgradf )ˆnds=v[|gradf|2+f2f]dv. Hence sf( grad f)ˆnds or otherwise evaluate for f=2x+y+2z over s:x2+y2+z2=4.

[2002, 15M]

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