Paper I PYQs-2010
Section A
1.(a) If λ1
1.(b) What is the null space of the differentiation transformation ddx:pn→pn where pn is the space of all polynomials of degree ≤n over the real numbers? What is the null space of the second derivative as a transformation of? What is the null space of the kth derivative pn?
1.(c) A twice differentiable function f(x) is such that f(a)=0=f(b) and f(c)>0 for a<c<b. Prove that there be is at least one point ξ, a<ξ<b for which f′′(ξ)<0.
1.(d) Does the integral ∫1−1√1+x1−xdx exist? If so, find its value.
1.(e) Show that the plane x+y−2z=3 cuts the sphere x2+y2+z2−x+y=2 in a circle of radius 1 and find the equation of the sphere which has this circle as a great circle.
1.(f) Show that the function
f(x)=[x^2] + \vert x-1 \vert
is Riemann integrable m the interval [0, 2], where [α] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to α. Can you give an example of a function that is not Riemann integrable on [0, 2]? Compute ∫20f(x)dx, where f(x) is as above.
2.(a) Let M=[421013]. Find the unique linear transformation T:R3→R2 so that M is the matrix of T with respect to the basis β={v1=(1,0,0)v2=(1,1,0)v3=(1,1,1)} of R3 and β′={w1=(1,0),w2=(1,1)} of R2. Also find T(x,y,z).
2.(b) Show that a box (rectangular parallelepiped) of maximum volume V with prescribed surface area is a cube.
2.(c) Show that the plane 3x+4y+7z+52=0 touches the paraboloid 3x2+40z and find the point of contact.
3.(a) Let A and B be n×n matrices over reals. Show that I−BA is invertible if I−AB is invertible. Deduce that AB and BA have the same Eigen values.
3.(b) Let D be the region determine by the inequalities x>0,y>0,z<8 and z>x2+y2. Compute ∭D2xdxdydz.
3.(c) Show that every sphere through the circle x2+y2−2ax+r2=0,z=0 cuts orthogonally every sphere through the circle x2+z2=r2,y=0.
4.(a)(i) In the space Rn determine whether or not the set {e1−e2,e2−e3,……,en−1−en,en−e1} is linearly independent.
4.(a)(ii) Let T be a linear transformation from a vector space V over reals into V such that T−T2=I. Show that T is invertible.
4.(b) If f(x,y) is a homogeneous function of degree n in x and y, and has continuous first and second order partial derivatives, then show that:-
i) x∂f∂x+y∂f∂y=nf
ii) x2∂2f∂x2+2xy∂2f∂x∂y+y2∂2f∂y2=n(n−1)f.
4.(c) Find the vertices of the skew quadrilateral formed by the four generators of the hyperboloid x24+y2−z2=49 passing through (10,5,1) and $(14,2,-2)$$.
Section B
5.(a) Consider the differential equation y′=αy,x>0 where α is a constant. Show that:
i) If ϕ(x) is any solution and ψ(x)=ϕ(x)e−αx, then ψ(x) is a constant.
ii) If α<0, then every solution tends to zero as x→∞.
5.(b) Show that the differential equation (3y2−x)+2y(y2−3)y′=0 admits an integrating factor which is a function of (x+y2). Hence solve the equation.
5.(c) Find κ/τ for the curve
5.(d) If v1,v2,V3 are the velocities at three points A,B,C of the path of a projectile, where the inclinations to the horizon are α,α−β,α−2β, and if t1,t2 are the times of describing the arcs AB,BC, respectively, prove that v3t1=v1t2 and 1v1+1v3=2cosβv2.
5.(e) Find the directional derivative of f(x,y)=x2y3+xy at the point (2,1) in the direction of a unit vector which makes an angle of π3 with the x−axis.
5.(f) Show that the vector field defined by the vector function →v=xyz(y→z→i+xy→j+xy→k) is conservative.
6.(a) Verify that 12(Mx+Ny)d[loge(xy)]+12(Mx−Ny)d[loge(x/y)]=Mdx+Ndy. Hence show that:
i) If the differential equation Mdx+Ndy=0 is homogeneous, then (Mx+Ny) is an integrating factor unless Mx+Ny≡0.
ii) If the differential equation Mdx+Ndy=0 is not exact but is of the form f1(xy)ydx+f2(xy)xdy=0 then (Mx−Ny)−1 is an integrating factor unless Mx+Ny≡0.
6.(b) A particle slides down the arc of a smooth cycloid whose axis is vertical and vertex lowest. Prove that the time occupied in falling down the first half of the vertical height is equal to the the time of falling down the second half.
6.(c) Prove that div(f→V)=f(div¯V)+(grad.f)→V, where f is a scalar function.
7.(a) Show that the set of solutions of the homogeneous linear differential equation
y′+p(x)y=0on an interval I=[a,b] forms a vector subspace W of the real vector space of continuous functions on I. What is the dimension of $$$W$?
7.(b) A particle moves with a central acceleration μ(r5−9r), being projected from and apse at a distance √3 with velocity 3√(2μ). Show that its path is the curve x4+y4=9.
7.(c) Use the divergence theorem to evaluate ∬s→VndA, where →V=x2z→iy→j−xz2→k and S is he boundary of the region bounded by the paraboloid z=x2+y2 and the plane z=4y.
8.(a) Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find the particular solutions of y′′+y=sinx+(1+x2)ex and hence find its general solution.
8.(b) A solid hemisphere is supported by a string fixed to a point on its rim and to a point on a smooth vertical wall with which the curved surface of the hemisphere is in contact. If θ and ϕ are the inclinations of the string and the plane base of the hemisphere to the vertical, prove by using the principle of virtual work that tan ϕ=38+tanθ.
8.(c) Verify Green’s theorem for e−xsinydx+e−xcosy by the path of integration being the boundary of the square whose vertices are (0,0), (π2,0), (π2,π2) and (0,π2).