Algebra of Matrices
We will cover following topics
Row and Column Reduction
The basic elementary operations are:
Interchange one row of the matrix with another of the matrix
Multiply one row of the matrix by a nonzero scalar constant
Replace the one row with the one row plus a constant times another row of the matrix
A system of linear equations can be solved by reducing its augmented matrix into reduced echelon form.
Echelon Form
Echelon Form: A matrix is said to be in echelon form if:
- All non-zero rows are above any rows with all zeros, and
- The leading coefficient of a non-zero row is always strictly to the right of the leading coefficient of the row above it
For example, the matrix [121760025800017] is presented in its Echelon form.
Reduced Echelon Form: A matrix is said to be in reduced echelon form if:
- It is in row echelon form,
- The leading entry in each nonzero row is a 1, and
- Each column containing a leading 1 has zeros everywhere else
Example 1: Find the reduced row echelon form of the following matrix: [121222101]
Sol 1:
[121222101] →[1210−200−20] →[1210−20000] →[1010−20000] →[101010000]Example 2: Find the reduced row echelon form of the following matrix: [1111111101230123]
Sol 2:
Congruence and Similarity
wo square matrices A and B over a field are called congruent if there exists an invertible matrix P over the same field such that PTAP=B.
Two n×n matrices A and B are called similar if there exists an invertible n×n matrix P such that B=P−1AP.
Inverse of a Matrix
A square matrix A is said to be invertible if there exists a matrix B such that AB=BA=I. Such a matrix B is called the inverse of the matrix A, and written as B=A−1.
For a non-singular matrix A, A−1 is equal to Adj(A)/det(A).
Example 1: Determine whether there exists a nonsingular matrix A if A2=AB+2A, where B is the following matrix.
B=[−11−10−1012−2]If such a nonsingular matrix A exists, find the inverse matrix A−1.
Sol: Suppose that a nonsingular matrix A satisfying A2=AB+2A exists.
Then A is invertible since A is nonsingular, and thus the inverse A−1 exists.
Multiplying by A−1 on the left, we have:
where I is the 3×3 identity matrix.
Therefore, if such a nonsingular matrix exists, it must be A=B+2I
Since, B=[−11−10−1012−2],
Therefore, A=B+2I = [11−1010120].
We still need to check that this matrix is in fact a nonsingular matrix.
To check the non-singularity and to find the inverse matrix at once, we consider the augmented matrix [A∣I] and apply elementary row operations.
We have:
The left part of the last matrix is the identity matrix, and thus the matrix A is invertible and the inverse matrix is the right half:
A−1=[0−21010−1−11]Example 2: Let A, B, C be the following 3×3 matrices. A=[123456789], B=[101030105], C=[−101056301].
Then compute and simplify the following expression. (AT−B)T+C(B−1C)−1.
Sol: We first use the properties of transpose matrices and inverse matrices and simplify the expression.
Note that we have
since the double transpose (AT)T=A and B is a symmetric matrix.
Also, note that we have
since (B−1)−1=B.
Care must be taken when you distribute the inverse sign in the first equality. We needed to switch the order of the product.
Then we have.
where I is the 3×3 identity matrix.
Therefore, the given expression can be simplified into (AT−B)T+C(B−1C)−1=A−B+B=A.
Hence we have:
Rank of a Matrix
The rank of a matrix is defined as the maximum number of linearly independent row or column vectors.
Example 1: Determine the values of a real number a such that the matrix A=[30a230018aa+1] is nonsingular.
Sol: We apply elementary row operations and obtain:
From this, we see that the matrix A is nonsingular if and only if the (3,3) entry 4a2+a+1 is not zero. By the quadratic formula, we see that a=−1±√−158 are solutions of 4a2+a+1=0.
Note that these are not real numbers. Thus, for any real number a, we have 4a2+a+1≠0.
Hence, we can divide the third row by this number, and eventually we can reduce it to the identity matrix.
So the rank of A is 3, and A is nonsingular for any real number a.
Example 2: Let P be a square matrix and its characteristic polynomial is given by p(t)=(t−1)3(t−2)2(t−3)4(t−4). Find the rank of A.
Sol: Note that the degree of the characteristic polynomial p(t) is the size of the matrix P. Since the degree of p(t) is 3+2+4+1=10, the size of the matrix P is 10 × 10.
From the characteristic polynomial, we see that the eigenvalues of P are 1,2,3,4.
In particular, 0 is not an eigenvalue of P.
Hence the null space of P is zero dimensional, that is, the nullity of P is 0.
By the rank-nullity theorem, we have:
rank of P + nullity of P=10.
Hence the rank of P is 10.
Solution of a System of Linear Equations
Let a system of linear equations be represented by the equation AX=B and let C=[A:B] be its augmented matrix. Then, the system is:
- Consistent, if rank(A)=rank(C) and has either unique or infinitely many solutions
(i) If rank(A)=rank(C)=n, the system has a unique solution
(ii) If rank(A)=rank(C)<n, the system has infinitely many solutions - Inconsistent, if rank(A)≠rank(C) and has no solutions
Example 1: Solve the following system of linear equations and give the vector form for the general solution.
x1−x3−2x5=1 x2+3x3−x5=2 x1−2x3+x4−3x5=0Sol: We solve the system by Gauss-Jordan elimination.
The augmented matrix of the system is given by
We apply the elementary row operations as follows:
[10−10−210130−1220−21−30] R3−2R1→[10−10−210130−1200011−2]Then the last matrix is in reduced row echelon form.
The variables x1,x2,x4 correspond to the leading 1’s of the last matrix, hence they are dependent variables and the rest x3,x5 are free variables.
From the last matrix we obtain the general solution
The vector form for the general solution is obtained by substituting these into the vector x. We have
x=[x1x2x3x4x5] =[x3+2x5+1−3x3+x5+2x3−x5−2x5] =x3[1−3100]+x5[210−11]+[120−20]Therefore, the vector form for the general solution is given by
x=x3[1−3100]+x5[210−11]+[120−20]where x3,x5 are free variables.
Example 2: For what value(s) of a does the system have nontrivial solutions?
x1+2x2+x3=0 −x1−x2+x3=0 3x1+4x2+ax3=0
Sol: First note that the system is homogeneous and hence it is consistent. Thus if the system has a nontrivial solution, then it has infinitely many solutions.
This happens if and only if the system has at least one free variable. The number of free variables is n−r, where n is the number of unknowns and r is the rank of the augmented matrix.
To find the rank, we reduce the augmented matrix by elementary row operations.
[1210−1−11034a0] R2+R1→R3−3R1[121001200−2a−30] R3+2R2→[1210012000a+10]The last matrix is in row echelon form.
Thus if a+1=0, then the third row is a zero row, hence the rank is 2. In this case we have n−r=3−2=1 free variable. Thus there are infinitely many solutions. In particular, the system has nontrivial solutions.
On the other hand, if a+1≠0, then the rank is 3 and there is no free variables since n−r = 3 − 3 = 0.
To summarize, the system has nontrivial solutions exactly when a = −1
Echelon Form
1) Reduce the following matrix to row echelon form and hence find its rank: [123421451557811417].
[2015, 10M]
Congruence and Similarity
1) Reduce the quadratic form q(x,y,z):=x2+2y2−4xz+4yz+7z2 to canonical form. Is q positive definite?
[2007, 15M]
2) Find the quadratic form q(x,y) corresponding to the symmetric matrix A=[5−3−38]. Is this quadratic form positive definite? Justify your answer.
[2006, 15M]
3) Define a positive definite quadratic form. Reduce the quadratic form x21+x23+2x1x2+2x2x3 to canonical form. Is this quadratic form positive definite?
[2004, 15M]
4) Reduce the quadratic form given below to canonical form and find its rank and signature.
x2+4y2+9z2+u2−12yz+6zx−4xy−2xu−6zu[2003, 15M]
5) Show that the real quadratic form ϕ=n(x21+x22+…+x2n)−(x1+x2+…+xn)2 in n variables is positive semi-definite.
[2001, 15M]
Inverse of a Matrix
1) Let A be a 3×2 matrix and B a 2×3 matrix. Show that C=A⋅B is a singular matrix.
[2018, 10M]
2) Using elementary row operations, find the inverse of A=[121132101].
[2016, 6M]
3) Find the inverse of the matrix: A=[1312−1732−1] by using elementary row operations. Hence solve the system of linear equations x+3y+z=10, 2x−y+7z=12, 3x+2y−z=4.
[2013, 10M]
4) Let A be a non-singular n×n square matrix. Show that A⋅(adjA)=|A|⋅In. Hence show that |adj(adjA)|=|A|(n−1)2.
[2011, 10M]
5) Show that the matrix A is invertible if and only if the adj(A) is invertible. Hence find |adj(A)|.
[2008, 12M]
6) Let A be a non-singular matrix. Show that if I+A+A2+….+An=0, then A−1=An.
[2008, 15M]
7) Find the inverse of the matrix given below using elementary row operations only:
[20−1510013][2005, 15M]
Rank of a Matrix
1) Let A=[572111−81235034−31].
(i) Find the rank of matrix A.
(ii) Find the dimension of the subspace
2) Let T:R2→R2 be a linear map such that that T(2,1)=(5,7) and T(1,2)+(3,3). If A is the matrix corresponding to T with repect to the standard bases e1, e2, then find Rank(A).
[2019, 10M]
3) Using elementary row or column operations, find the rank of the matrix [01−3−10011310211−20]
[2014, 10M]
4) Find the rank of the matrix A=[12345235812358121758121723812172330]
[2013, 8M]
5) Using elementary row operations, find the rank of the matrix [3−20−102211−2−3−20121]
[2006, 15M]
Solution of a System of Linear Equations
1) If A=[1211−4130−3] and B=[2111−1021−1], then show that AB=6I3. Use this result to solve the following system of equations:
[2019, 10M]
2) For the system of linear equations
determine which of the following statements are true and which are false:
(i) The system has no solution.
(ii) The system has a unique solution.
(iii) The system has infinitely many solutions.
[2018, 13M]
3) Consider the following system of equation in x, y, z:
i) For which values of a does the system have a unique solution?
ii) For which of values (a,b) does the system have more than one solution?
[2017, 15M]
4) Using elementary row operation find the condition that the linear equations have a solution:
[2016, 7M]
5) Investigate the values of λ and μ so that the equations x+y+z=6, x+2y+3z=10, x+2y+λz=μ have:
i) no solution
ii) unique solution,
iii) an infinite number of solutions.
[2014, 10M]
6) Let A=[10−1345067], X=[xyz], B=[265].
Solve the system of equations given by AX=B.
Using the above, also solve the system of equations ATX=B, where AT denotes the transpose of matrix A.
[2011, 10M]
7) Investigate for what values of μ and λ the equations
x+2y+λz=μ have:
i) no solution,
ii) a unique solution,
iii) infinitely many solutions
[2006, 15M]
8) Verify whether the following system of equation is consistent:
[2004, 15M]
9) Solve the following system of linear equations:
[2002, 15M]