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Paper I PYQs-2009

Section A

1.(a) Find a Hermitian and skew-Hermitian matrix each whose sum is the matrix [2i3112+3i2i+145i].


1.(b) Prove that the set V of the vectors (x1,x2,x3,x4) in which R4 satisfy the equation x1+x2+x3+x4=0 and 2x1+3x2x3+x4=0, is a subspace of R4. What is dimension of this subspace? Find one of its bases.


1.(c) Suppose that f is continuous on [1,2] and that f has three zeroes in the interval (1,2), show that f has at least one zero in the interval (1,2).


1.(d) If f is the derivative of some function defined on [a,b], prove that there exists a number η[a,b] such that abf(t)dt=f(η)(ba).


1.(e) A line is drawn through a variable point on the ellipse x2a2+y2b2=1, z$=0 to meet two fixed lines y=mx, z=c and y=mx, $z=c. Find the locus of the line.


1.(f) Find the equation of the sphere having its centre on the plane 4x5yz=3, and passing through the circle



2.(a) Let β={(1,1,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,1)} and β={(2,1,1),(1,2,1),(1,1,1)} be the two ordered bases of R3. Then, find a matrix representing the linear transformation T:R3R3 which transforms β into β. Use this matrix representation to find T(x), where x=(2,3,1).


2.(b) If x=3±0.01 and y=4±0.01 with approximately what accuracy can you calculate the polar coordinates r and θ of the point P(x,y). Express your estimates as percentage changes of the value that r and θ have at the point (3,4).


2.(c) Find a 2×2 real matrix A which is both orthogonal and skew-symmetric. Can there exist a 3×3 real matrix which is both orthogonal and skew-symmetric? Justify your answer.


3.(a) Let L:R4R3 be a linear transformation defined by L(x1,x2,x3,x4)=(x3+x4x1x2,x3x2,x4x1). Then find the rank and nullity of L. Also, determine null space and range space of L.


3.(b) Let f:R2R be defined as:


Is f continuous at (0,0)? Compute partial derivatives of f at any point (x,y), if it exists.


3.(c) A space probe in the shape of the ellipsoid 4x2+y2+4z2=16 enters the earth’s atmosphere and its surface begins to heat. After one hour, the temperature at the point (x,y,z) on the probe surface is given by T(x,y,z)=8x2+4yz16z+1600. Find the hottest point on the probe surface.


4.(a) Prove that the set V of all 3×3 real symmetric matrices forms a linear subspace of the space of all 3×3 real matrices. What is the dimension of this subspace? Find at least one of the bases for V.


4.(b) Evaluate I=s(xdydz+dzdx+xz2)dxdy, where S is the outer side of the part of the sphere x2+y2+z2=1 in the first octant.


4.(c) Prove that the normals from the point (α,β,γ) to the paraboloid x2a2+y2b2=2z lie on the cone:



Section B

5.(a) A body is describing an ellipse of eccentricity e under the action of a central force directed towards a focus and when at the nearer apse, the centre of force is transferred to the other focus. Find the eccentricity of the new orbit in terms of the eccentricity of the original orbit.


5.(b) Find the Wronskian of the set of functions: {3x3,|3x3|} on the interval [1,1] and determine whether the set is linearly dependent on [1,1].


5.(c) A uniform rod AB is movable about a hinge at A and rests with one end in contact with a smooth vertical wall. If the rod is inclined at an angle of 30 with the horizontal, find the reaction at the hinge in magnitude and direction.


5.(d) A shot fired with a velocity V at an elevation α strikes a point P in a horizontal plane through the point of projection. If the point P is receding from the gun with V, show that the elevation must be changed θ, where sin2θ=sin2α+2vVsinθ.


5.(e) Show that div(gradrn)=n(n+1)rn2, where r=x2+y2+z2.


5.(f) Find the directional derivative of
i) 4xz33x2y2z2 at (2,1,2) along zaxis
ii) x2yz+4xz2 at (1,2,1) in the direction of 2i^j^2κ^.


6.(a) Find the differential equation of the family of circles in the xyplane passing through (1,1) and (1,1).


6.(b) Find the inverse Laplace transform of F(s)=1n(s+1s+s).


6.(c) Solve:



7.(a) One end of a light elastic string of natural length I and modulus of elasticity 2 mg is attached to a fixed point O and the other end to a particle of mass m. The particle initially held at rest at O is let fall. Find the greatest extension of the string during the motion and show that the particle will reach O again after a time (π+2tan12)21g.


7.(b) A particle is projected with velocity V from the cusp of a smooth inverted cycloid down the arc. Show that the time of reaching the vertex is 2agcot(V2ag), where α is the radius of the generating circle.


7.(c) On a rigid body, the forces 10(i^+2j^+2k^)N, 5(2i^j^+2k^)N and 6(2i^+2j^k^)N are acting at points with position vectors i^j^, 2i^+5k^ and 4i^k^ respectively. Reduce this system to a single force R acting at the point (4i^+2j^) together with a couple G whose axis passes through this point. Does the point (4i^+2j^) lie on the central axis?


7.(d) Find the length of an endless chain which will hang over a circular pulley of radius a so as to be in contact with the three-fourth of the circumference of the pulley.


8.(a) Find the work done in moving the particle once round the ellipse x225+y216=1, z=0 under the field of force of given by F¯=(2xy+z)i^+(x+yz2)j^+(3x2y+4z)k^.


8.(b) Using divergence theorem, evaluate sA¯dS¯ where A¯=x3i^+y3j^+z3k^ and S is the surface of the sphere x2+y2+z2=a2.


8.(c) Find the value of s(×f).ds taken over the upper portion of the surface x2+y22ax+az=0 and the bounding curve lies in the plane z=0, when F=(y2+z2x2)i^+(z2+x2y2)j^+(x2+y2z2)k^.


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