Paper I PYQs-2013
Section A
1.(a) Find the inverse of the matrix: by using elementary row operations. Hence solve the system of linear equations , , .
1.(b) Let be a square matrix and be its adjoint, show that the Eigen values of matrices and are real. Further show that .
1.(c) Evaluate
1.(d) Find the equation of the plane which passes through the points and and is parallel to the line joining the points , . Find also the distance between the line and the plane.
1.(e) A sphere has points at opposite ends of a diameter. Find the equation of the sphere having the intersection of the sphere with the plane as a great circle.
2.(a)(i) Let denote the vector space of all real polynomials of degree at most : be linear transformation given by , . Find the matrix of with respect to the bases and of and respectively. Also find the null space of .
2.(a)(ii) Let be an vector space and be an invertible linear operator. If is a basis of , show that is also a basis of .
2.(b)(i) Let , where is a cube root of unity. If , , denote the Eigen values of , show that .
2.(b)(ii) Find the rank of the matrix
2.(c)(i) Let be a Hermitian matrix having all distinct Eigen values , , . If are corresponding Eigen vectors, then show that the matrix whose column consists of the vector is non singular.
2.(c)(ii) Show that the vectors , and in are linearly independent over the field of real numbers but are linearly dependent over the field of complex numbers.
3.(a) Using Lagrange’s multiplier method find the shortest distance between the line and the ellipse
3.(b) Compute and for the function
Also discuss the continuity of and at (0,0).
3.(c) Evaluate , where is the region bounded by the line and the parabola .
4.(a) Show that three mutually perpendicular tangent lines can be drawn to the sphere from any point on the sphere .
4.(b) A cone has for its guiding curve the circle , and passes through a fixed point . If the section of the cone by the plane is a rectangular hyperbola, prove that vertex lies one the fixed circle , .
4.(c) A variable generator meets two generators of the system through the extremities and of the minor axis of the principal elliptic section of the hyperboloid in and prove that .
Section B
5.(a) If is a function of such that the differential coefficient is equal to , find out a relation between and $y$$ which is free from any derivative/ differential.
5.(b) Obtain the equation of the orthogonal trajectory of the family of curves represented by being the plane polar coordinates.
5.(c) A body is performing SHM in a straight line . Its velocity is zero at points and whose distances from are and respectively and its velocity is at the mid-point between and . Find the time of one complete oscillation.
5.(d) The base of an inclined plane is 4 metres in length and the height is 3 metres. A force of 8 kg acting parallel to the plane will just prevent a weight of 20 kg from sliding down. Find the coefficient of friction between the plane and the weight.
5.(e) Show the curve lies in a plane.
6.(a) Solve the differential equation
6.(b) Using the method of variation of parameters, solve the differential equation .
6.(c) Find the general solution of the equation
6.(d) By using Laplace transform method, solve the differential equation subject to the initial conditions and , in which , and are constants.
7.(a) A particle of mass 2.5 hangs at the end of a string, 0.9 long, the other end of which is attached to a fixed point. The particle is projected horizontally with a velocity 8 . Find the velocity of the particle and tension in the string when the string is:
i) horizontal and
ii) vertically upward.
7.(b) A uniform ladder rests at an angle of with the horizontal with its upper extremity against a rough vertical wall and its lower extremity on the ground. If and are the coefficients of limiting friction between the ladder and the ground and wall respectively, then find the minimum horizontal force required to move the lower end of the ladder towards the wall.
7.(c) Six equal rods , , , , and are each of weight and are freely jointed at their extremities so as to form a hexagon, the rod is fixed in a horizontal position and the middle points of and are joined by a string. Find the tension in the string.
8.(a) Calculate and find its expression in terms of and , being the distance of any point from the origin, being a constant and being the Laplace operator.
8.(b) A curve in space is defined by the vector equation . Determine the angle between the tangents to this curve at the points and .
8.(c) By using Divergence Theorem of Gauss, evaluate the surface integral , where is the surface of the ellipsoid , , and being all positive constants.
8.(d) Use Stokes’ theorem to evaluate the line integral , where is the intersection of the cylinder and the plane .