Paper II PYQs-2013
Section A
1.(a) Evaluate:
1.(b) Prove that if every element of a group be its own inverse, then it is an abelian group.
1.(c) Construct an analytic function Express the result as a function of .
1.(d)Find the optimal assignment cost from the following cost matrix : | ||||| |—–|—|—|—|—| | | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 | | | 3 | 2 | 2 | 6 | || 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | | | 2 | 4 | 2 | 6 |
2.(a) Show that any finite integral domain is a field.
2.(b) Every field is an integral domain. Prove it.
2.(c) Solve the following Salesman problem : | | | | | | |—|——–|——–|——–|——–| ||| 12 | 10 | 15 | || 16 || 11 | 13 | || 17 | 18 || 20 | || 13 | 11 | 18 ||
3.(a) Show that the function is uniformly continuous in but not in .
3.(b) Prove that: (i) the intersection of two ideals is an ideal. (ii) a field has no proper ideals.
3.(c) Evaluate where is the circle $$ | z | =3$$ |
4.(a) Find the area of the region between the x-axis and from to .
4.(b) Find Laurent series about the indicated singularity. Name the singularity and give the region of convergence.
4.(c) is a feasible solution of the system of equations Reduce the feasible solution to two different basic feasible solutions.
Section B
5.(a) Use Newton - Raphson method and derive the iteration scheme to calculate an approximate value of the square root of a number . Show that the formula , where can easily be obtained if the above scheme is applied two times. Assume as an initial guess value and use the formula twice to calculate the value of [For iteration, one may take result of the iteration].
5.(b) Eliminate the arbitrary function from the given equation
5.(c) Derive the Hamiltonian and equation of motion for a simple pendulum.
6.(a) Solve the PDE:
6.(b) Convert and to base .
6.(c) Rewrite the hyperbolic equation in canonical form.
7.(a) Find the values of and in the velocity field bxy so that the flow becomes incompressible and irrotational. Find the stream function of the flow.
7.(b) Write an algorithm to find the inverse of a given non-singular diagonally dominant square matrix using Gauss - Jordan method.
7.(c) Find the solution of the equation that passes through the circle
8.(a) Solve the following heat equation, using the method of separation of variables: subject to the conditions at and for at for
8.(b) Use the Classical Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method with to calculate a solution at for the initial value problem on the interval
8.(c) Draw a flow chart for testing whether a given real number is a prime or not.