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Analytic Functions

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Analytic Functions

A function f(z) is said to be analysic at a point z0 if there exists a ndghbothood |zz0|<δ at all points of which f(z) exists.

Singular Points

A point at which f(z) fails to be analytic is called a singular point or singularity of f(z). Some types of singularities include:

i) Isolated Singularities ii) Poles iii) Removable Singularities

Cauchy-Riemann Equations

A necessary condition that w=f(z)=u(x,y)+ic(x,y) be analytic in a region R is that, in R, u and v satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations


If the partial derivatives in above equations are continuous in R, then the Cauchy-Ricmann equations are sufficient conditions that f(z) be analytic in R.

Harmonic Functions

A function h(x,y) is called harmonic if it satisfies the Laplace’s equation hxx+hyy=0.

If f(z)=u+iv is analytic and u,v both satisfy Laplace’s equation, then u and v are called conjugate harmonic functions.

Milne-Thomson’s Method

This method is used to construct an analytic function when real or imaginary part of the function is given. Let f(x,y)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) be the required function.

Case 1: u(x,y) is given. Then, f(z) is obtained by integrating f(z)=ux(z,0)iuy(z,0).

Case 2: v(x,y) is given. Then, f(z) is obtained by integrating f(z)=vy(z,0)+ivx(z,0).

Cauchy’s Theorem

According to Cauchy’s Theorem, if f(z) is regular and f(z) is continuous at each point within and on a closed contour C, then Cf(z)dz=0

Cauchy’s Integral Formulae

According to Cauchy’s Integral Formula, if f(z) is analytic within and on any closed contour C and if a be a point within the contour C, then


Liouville’s Theorem

Suppose that for all z in the entire complex plane, i) f(z) is analytic and
ii) f(z) is bounded, i.e. |f(z)|<M for some constant M.

Then f(z) must be a constant.

Rouche’s Theorem

Suppose f(z) and g(z) are analytic inside and on a simple closed curve C and suppose |g(z)|<|f(z)| on C. Then f(z)+g(z) and f(z) have the same number of zeros inside C.


Analytic Functions

1) Use Cauchy integral formula to evaluate ce3z(z+1)4dz, where c is the circle |z|=2.

[2012, 15M]

From Cauchy Integral Formula, we have


Put a=1, n=3


Take f(z)=e3z, then fn(z)=3ne3z


from (i)


2) Prove that the function f defined by f(z)={z5|z|4,z00,z=0 is not differentiable at z=0.

[2007, 12M]

Try yourself

3) If all zeros of a polynomial P(z) lies in a half plane then show that zeros of the derivatives P(z) also lie in the same half plane.

[2004, 15M]

We can assume without loss of generality that the zeros of P(z) lie in the half plane Re z<0. Let P(z)=j=1n(zαj) where αj=xj+iyj,xj<0

If Rez0, then P(z)0 and


Since xj<0,1jn, it follows that


whenever Re z=x0. Thus xγP(z) and therefore P(z) has no zeros in the right half plane Re z0. Hence all zeros of P(z) lie in the same half plane in which the zeros of P(z) lie.

4) Suppose that f and g are two analytic functions on the set ϕ of all complex numbers with f(1n)=g(1n) for n=1, 2, 3, . Then show that f(z)=g(z) for each z in ϕ.

[2002, 12M]

Let G(z)=f(z)g(z), then G(1n)=0 for n=1,2,. We shall show that G(z)0 for zC which would prove the result.

Let G(z)=n=0anzn be the power series of G(z) with center 0 and radius of convergence R, clearly R>0. We shall now prove that an=0 for every n If an0 for some n, let ak be the first non-zero coefficient. Then G(z)=zk(ak+ak+1z+)=zkH(z) Clearly H(z) is analytic in |z|<R, and H(0)0. We now claim that H(z)0 in a neighborhood |z|<δ of 0. Let ϵ=|H(0)|2, then continuity of H(z) at z=0 implies that there exists a δ>0 such that |z|<δ|H(z)H(0)|<ϵ or |H(0)|ϵ<|H(z)|<|H(0)|+ϵ for |z|<δ.

Thus |H(z)|>|H(0)|2>0 for |z|<δ. Consequently, G(z)0 for any z in 0<|z|<δ. But this is not possible, as |z|<δ contains all but finitely many 1n, at which G(z) vanishes. Thus our assumption that an0 for some n is false, thus G(z)0 in |z|<R

Let z be any point in C, and let r(t),atb be a continuous curve joining 0 and z. Using uniform continuity of r(t), we get a partition a=t0<t1<<tn=b of [a,b] such that r(t0)=0,r(t1)=z1,,r(tn)=r(b)=z, and |zjzj1|<R.

Now the disc K0=|z0|<R contains z1, the center of disc K1=|zz1|<R. since G(z1)=0 as z1K0K1, and K0K1 contains a sequence of points yn such that ynz1 and G(yn)=0, we can prove as before that G(z)0 in K1. Proceeding in this way, in n steps we get G(z)0 in Kn, or G(z)=0. since z is an arbitrary point of C, we get G(z)0 in C.

5) Prove that the Riemann zeta function ζ defined by ζ(z)=n=1nz converges for Rez>1 and converges uniformly for Rez1+ε where ε>0 is arbitrary small.

[2001, 12M]

|1nz|=|1nxniy|=|1nx||1niy|=|1eiylogn|=1 since n=11nx converges for x>1, it follows that n=1nz converges absolutely for Rez>1. If Re z1+ϵ, then 1nx1n1+ϵ and n=1|nz|n=11n1+ϵ for Re z1+ϵ. Weierstrass’ M-test gives that the given series converges uniformly and absolutely for Rez1+ϵ

Cauchy-Riemann Equations

1) Suppose f(z) is analytic function on a domain DC and satisfies the equation Imf(z)=(Ref(z))2, ZD. Show that f(z) is constant in D.

[2019, 10M]

Hint: Take f(z)=u+iu2 and apply CR equations.

In the final step, we get,

ux=0, uy=0, vx=0, vy=0

Hence, u=c1 and v=c2

f(z)=c1+ic2is constant.

2) Prove that the function: u(z,y)=(x1)33xy2+3y2 is harmonic and find its harmonic conjugate and the corresponding analytic function f(z) in terms of z.

[2018, 10M]

Let, f(z)=u+iv u=(x1)33xy2+3y2 ux=3(x1)23y2 uxx=6(x1)(1) uy=6xy+6y uyy=6x+6=6(x1)(2)

uxx+uyy=0 Hence, function u is harmonic.

We can use Milne’s method to find harmonic conjugate of u.

ϕ1(z,0)=(ux )x=z,y=0=3(z1)2 ϕ2(z,0)=(uy )x=z,y=0=0 f(z)=[ϕ1(z,0)iϕ2(z,0)]dz+c =3(z1)2dz+c =(z1)3+c


3) Let f=u+iv be analytic function on the unit disc D={zC:|z|<1}. Show that 2ux2+2uy2=0=2vx2+2vy2 at all points of D.

[2017, 15M]

If f(z) is analytic in R, then the Cauchy-Riemann equations




are satisfied in R and g u and v have continuous second partial derivatives. We can differentiate both sides of (i) with respect to x and (ii) with respect to y to obtain




from which

2ux2=2uy2 or 2ux2+2uy2=0

Similarly, by differentiating both sides of (i) with respect to y and (ii) with respect to x, we get 2vx2+2vy2=0

4) Is v(x,y)=x33xy2+2y a harmonic function? Prove your claim. If yes, find its conjugate harmonic function u(x,y) and hence, obtain the analytic function whose real and imaginary parts are u and v respectively.

[2016, 10M]

Let f be the function f=u+iv Given: v=x33xy2+2y Therefore, vx=3x23y2,vxx=6x(i)vy=6xy+2,vyy=6x(ii) Now, vxx+vyy=+6x6x=0 v is a harmonic function. Let u be harmonic conjugate of v. By Cauchy-Riemann equations, ux=vyux=6xy+2ux=6xy+2 du=(6xy+2)dx u=3x2y+2x+g(y), where g is an arbitrary function of y (iii) Also, uy=vxuy=(3x23y2) uy=3x2+3y2 du=(3x2+3y2)dy u=3x2y+y3+n(x), where n(x) is an arbitrary fucntion of x (iv) From (iii) and (iv) u=3x2y+2x+y3+c, where c is a constant  So, f=(3x2y+2x+y3+c)+i(x33xy2+2y)

5) Show that the function v(x,y)=ln(x2+y2)+x+y is harmonic. Find its conjugate harmonic function u(x,y). Also, find the corresponding analytic function f(z)=u+iv in terms of z.

[2015, 10M]

6) Prove that the function f(z)=u+iv, where f(z)=x3(1+i)y3(1i)x2+y2, z0; f(0)=0 satisfies Cauchy-Riemann equations at the origin, but the derivative of f at z=0 does not exist.

[2014, 10M]

7) Prove that if bea+1<1, where a and b are positive and real, then the function zneabez has n zeros in the unit circle.

[2013, 10M]

8) Show that the function defined by f(z)={x3y5(x+iy)x6+y10,z00,z=0 is not analytic at the origin though it satisfies Cauchy Riemann-Equations at the origin.

[2012, 12M]

9) If f(z)=u+iv is an analytic function of z=x+iy and uv=eycosx+sinxcoshycosx, find f(z) subject to the condition, f(π2)=(3i)/2.

[2011, 12M]

10) Show that u(x,y)=2xx3+3xy2 is a harmonic function. Find a harmonic conjugate of u(x,y). Hence, find the analytic function f for which u(x,y) is the real part.

[2010, 12M]

11) Prove that all the roots of z75z3+12=0 lie between the circles |z|=1 and |z|=2.

[2006, 15M]

Let g(z)=z75z3,f(z)=12, then i) On |z|=1,|g(z)||z7|+5|z3|=6<12=|f(z)|. ii) Both g(z) and f(z) are analytic on and within |z|<1 iii) Both g(z) and f(z) have no zeros on |z|=1

By Rouche’s theorem, f(z)+g(z)=z75z3+12 and f(z) have the same number of zeros inside |z|=1. But f(z)=12 has no zeros anywhere and in particular in the region |z|<1 therefore z75z3+12 has no zeros inside the unit circle. Now we take g(z)=125z3,f(z)=z7

i) On |z|=2,|g(z)|12+5|z3|=52<27=|f(z)|. ii) Both g(z) and f(z) are analytic on and within |z|<2

Therefore by Rouche’s theorem, g(z)+f(z)=z75z3+12 and f(z) have the same number of zeros inside |z|=2. since f(z)=z7 has 7 zeros (z=0 is a zero of order 7 of f(z)) inside |z|=2, the given polynomial has seven zeros inside |z|=2 i.e. all its zeros lie inside |z|=2 since z75z3+12 has no zeros inside and on |z|=1, therefore all zeros lie in the ring 1<|z|<2.

12) If f(z)=u+iv is an analytic function of the complex variable z and uv=ex(cosysiny), determine f(z) in terms of z.

[2005, 12M]

Let F(z)=(1+i)f(z)=(1+i)(u+iv)=(uv)+i(u+v). Now 2(uv)x2+2(uv)y2=ex(cosysiny)+ex(cosy+siny)=0 Let F(z)=U+iV, where U=uv is harmonic. If f(z) is analytic, then so is F(z) and dFdz=Ux+iVx=UxiUy as Vx=Uy by the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Thus F(z)=ex(cosysiny)iex(sinycosy)=ex(cosy+isiny)+iex(cosy+isiny)=(1+i)exeiy=(1+i)ez Thus F(z)=(1+i)ez and f(z)=ez, which is the required function.

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