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Paper II PYQs-2010

Section A

1.(a) Let G=R{1} be the set of all real numbers omitting -1. Define the binary relation on G by ab=a+b+ab. Show (G,) is a group and it is abelian.


1.(b) Show that a cyclic group of order 6 is isomorphic to the product of a cyclic group of order 2 and a cyclic group of order 3. Can you generalize this? Justify.


1.(c) Discuss the convergence of the sequence {xn} where Xn=sin(nπ2)8.


1.(d) Define {xn} by x1=5 and xn+1=4+xn for n>1. Show that the sequence converges to (1+172).


1.(e) Show that u(x,y)=2xx3+3xy2 is a harmonic function. Find a harmonic conjugate of u(x,y). Hence, find the analytic function f for which u(x,y) is the real part.


1.(f) Construct the dual of the primal problem.
Maximize Z=2x1+x2+x3, subject to the constraints:


2.(a) Let (R,.) be the multiplicative group of non-zero reals and (GL(n,R),X) be the multiplicative group of n×n non-singular real matrices. Show that the quotient group GL(n,R)SL(n,R) and (R,.) are isomorphic where SL(n,R)={AGL(n,R)/detA=1}. What is the center of GL(n,R)?


2.(b) Let C={f:I=[0,1]R/f is continuous }. Show C is a commutative ring with 1 under point wise addition and multiplication. Determine whether Cs is an integral domain. Explain.


2.(c) Define the function

f(x)={x2sin1x, if x00, if x=0.

Find f(x). Is f(x) continuous at x=0? Justify your answer.


2.(d) Consider the series n=0x2(1+x2)2. Find the values of x for which it is convergent and also the sum function. Is the convergence uniform? Justify your answer.


3.(a) Consider the polynomial ring Q[x]. Show p(x)=x32 is irreducible over Q. Let I be the ideal Q[x] in generated by p(x). Then show that Q[x]I is a field and that each element of it is of the form a0+a1t+a2t2 with α0,a1,a2 in Q and t=x+I.


3.(b) Show that the quotient ring Z[i]1+3i is isomorphic to the ring Z10Z where Z[i] denotes the ring of Gaussian integers.


3.(c) Let fn(x)=xn on 1<x1 for n=1,2. Find the limit function. Is the convergence uniform? Justify your answer.


3.(d) Consider the series n=0x2(1+x2)n.

Find the values of x for which it is convergent and also the sum function. Is the convergence uniform? Justify your answer.


4.(a)(i) Evaluate the line integral f(z)dz where f(z)=z2, c is the boundary of the triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,0), C(1,2) in that order.


4.(a)(ii) Find the image of the finite vertical strip R: x=5 to x=5, πγπ of zplane exponential function.


4.(b) Find the Laurent series of the function f(z)=exp[λ2(z1z)] as n=Cnzn for 0, |z|< n=0, ±1, ±2, with λ a given complex number and taking the unit circle C given by z=eiϕ(πϕπ) as contour in this region.


4.(c) Determine an optimal transportation programme so that the transportation cost of 340 tons of a certain type of material from three factories to five warehouses W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 is minimized. The five warehouses must receive 40 tons, 50 tons, 70 tons, 70 tons and 90 tons respectively. The availability of the material at F1, F2, F3 is 100 tons, 120 tons, 120 tons respectively. The transportation costs per ton factories to warehouses are given in the table below:

Use Vogel’s approximation method to obtain the initial basic feasible solution.


Section B

5.(a) Solve the PDE (D2D)(D2D)Z=e2x+y+xy.


5.(b) Find the surface satisfying the PDE (D22DD+D2)Z=0 and the conditions that bZ=y2 when x=0 and aZ=x2 when y=0.


5.(c) Find the positive root of the equation 10xex21=0 correct up to 6 decimal places by using Newton-Raphson method. Carry out computations only for three iterations.


5.(d)(i) Suppose a computer spends 60 per cent of its time handling a particular type of computation when running a given program and its manufacturers make a change that improves its performance on that type of computation by a factor of 10. If the program takes 100 sec to execute, what will its execution time be after the change?


5.(d)(ii) If AB=AB+AB, find the value of xyz.


5.(e) A uniform lamina is bounded by a parabolic are of latus rectum 4$a$ and a double ordinate at a distance $b$ from the vertex. If b=a3(7+47), show that two of the principal axis at the end of a latus rectum are the tangent and normal there.


5.(f) In an incompressible fluid the vorticity at every point is constant in magnitude and direction, show that the components of velocity u, v, w are solutions of Laplace’s equation.


6.(a) Solve the following partial differential equation, zp+yq=x, x0(s)=s, y0(s)=1, z0(s)=2s, by the method of characteristics.


6.(b) Reduce the following 2nd order partial differential equation into canonical form and find find its general solution.


6.(c) Solve the following heat equation


7.(a) Given the system of equations:


State the solvability and uniqueness conditions for the system. Give the solution when it exists.


7.(b) Find the value of the integral 1log10xdx by using Simpson’s 13rd rule, correct up to 4 decimal places. Take 8 subintervals in your computation.


7.(c)(i) Find the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number (587632)10.


7.(c)(ii) For the given set of data points (x1,f(x1)), (x2,f(x2)), (xn,f(xn)), write an algorithm to find the value of f(x) by using Lagrange’s interpolation formula.


7.(c)(iii) Using Boolean algebra, simplify the following expressions:

(a) a+ab+abc+abcd+

(b) xyz+yz+xz, where x represents the complement of x.


8.(a) A sphere of radius a land mass m rolles down a rough plane inclined at an angle α to the horizontal. If x be the distance of the point of contact of the sphere from a fixed point on the plane, find the acceleration by using Hamilton’s equation.


8.(b) When a pair of equal and opposite rectilinear vortices are situated in a long circle cylinder at equal distance from its axis, show that the path of each vortex is given by the equation (r2sin2θb2)(r2a2)2=4a2b2r2sin2θ, θ being measured from the line through the centre perpendicular to the joint of the vortices.


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