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Set Theory

We will cover following topics

Completeness Of Real Line

  • A metric space \((X, d)\) in which every Cauchy sequence converges to an element of \(X\) is called complete, where \(d\) is the distance metric.

  • The real numbers are complete under the metric induced by the usual absolute value, and one of the standard constructions of the real numbers involves Cauchy sequences of rational numbers.

  • The rational numbers, on the other hand, are not complete under the usual distance metric. For example, the sequence defined by \(x_0=1\), \(x_{n+1}=\left( x_{n}+\dfrac{2}{x_{n}} \right)/2\) consists of rational numbers but it converges to \(\sqrt{2}\), which is irrational.


Real number system as an ordered field

1) Suppose \(R\) be the set of all real numbers and \(f:R \to R\) is a function such that the following equations hold for all \(x\), \(y \in R\):


Show that that \(\forall c \in R\), either \(f(x)=0\) or \(f(x)=x\).

[2018, 20M]

2) Show that every open subset of \(R\) is a countable union of disjoint open intervals.

[2013, 13M]

3) Show that a bounded infinite subset of \(R\) must have a limit point.

[2009, 15M]

4) Let

\(T = \left\{ \dfrac{1}{n}, n \in N \right\} \cup \left\{1+ \dfrac{3}{2n}, n \in N \right\} \cup \left\{6- \dfrac{1}{3n}, n \in N \right\}\).

Find derived set \(T'\) of \(T\). Also find Supremum of \(T\) and greatest number of \(T\).

[2008, 6M]

5) Given a positive real number \(a\) and any natural number \(n\), prove that there exists one and only one positive real number \(\xi\) such that \(\xi^n=a\).

[2007, 20M]

6) If a continuous function of \(x\) satisfies the functional equation \(f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)\), then show that \(f(x)=\alpha x\) where \(\alpha\) is a constant.

[2003, 12M]

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