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Paper II PYQs-2019

Section A

1.(a) Let G be a finite group, H and K subgroups of G such that KH. Show that (G:K)=(G:H)(H:K).


1.(b) Show that the function


is continuous and differentiable at (1,1).


1.(c) Evaluate



1.(d) Suppose f(z) is analytic function on a domain DC and satisfies the equation Imf(z)=(Ref(z))2, ZD. Show that f(z) is constant in D.


1.(e) Use graphical method to solve the linear programming problem.
Maximize Z=3x1+2x2
subject to
x1+x23 and


2.(a) If G and H are finite groups whose orders are relatively prime, then prove that there is only one homomorphism from G to H, the trivial one.


2.(b) Write down all quotient groups of the group Z12.


2.(c) Using differentials, find an approximate value of f(4.1,4.9) where



2.(d) Show that an isolated singular point zo of a function f(z) is a pole of order m if and only if f(z) can be written in the form f(z)=ϕm1(zo)(m1)! if m1.

Moreover Resz=z0 f(z)=ϕ(m1)(z0)(m1)! if m1.


3.(a) Discuss the uniform convergence of

fn(x)=nx1+n2x2,xR(,), n=1,2,3..


3.(b) Solve the linear programming problem using Simplex method.
Maximize Z=x1+2x23x32x4
subject to
x1+2x2+x3+2x4=4 and
x1, x2, x3, x40


3.(c)(i) Evalute the integral CRe(z2)dz from 0 to 2+4i along the curve C where C is a parabola y=x2.


3.(c)(ii) Let a be an irreducible element of the Euclidean ring R, then prove that R/(a) is a field.


4.(a) Find the maximum value of f(x,y,z)=x2y2z2 subject to the subsidiary condition x2+y2+z2=c2, (x,y,z>0).


4.(b) Obtain the first terms of the Laurent series expansion of the function f(z)=1(ex1) about the point z=0 valid in the region 0<|z|<2π.


4.(c) Discuss the convergence of 12xlnxdx.


4.(d) Consider the following LPP

Maximize Z=2x1+4x2+4x33x4 subject to x1+x2+x3=4, x1+4x2+x4=8 and x1,x2,x3,x40

Use the dual problem to verify that the basic solution (x1,x2) is not optimal.


Section B

5.(a) Form a partial differential equation of the family of surfaces given by the following expression:



5.(b) Apply Newton-Raphson method, to find a real root of transcendental equation xlog10x=1.2, correct to three decimal places.


5.(c) A uniform rod OA, of length 2a, free to turn about its end O, revolves with angular velocity ω about the vertical OZ through O, and is inclined at a constant angle α to OZ; find the value of α.


5.(d) Using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order, solve dydx=y2x2y2+x2 with y(0)=1 at x=0.2. Use four decimal places for calculation and step length 0.2.


5.(e) Draw a flow chart and write a basic algorithm (in FORTRAN/C/C++) for evaluating y=06dx1+x2 using Trapezoidal rule.


6.(a) Solve the first order quasilinear partial differential equation by the method of characteristics:

xux+(uxy)uy=x+2y in x>0,<u< with u=1+y on x=1.


6.(b) Find the equivalent numbers given in a specified number to the system mentioned against them: (i) Integer 524 in binary system.
(ii) 101010110101.101101011 to octal system.
(iii) Decimal number 5280 to hexadecimal system
(iv) Find the unknown number (1101.101)8 to (?)10.


6.(c) A circular cylinder of radius a and radius of gyration k rolls without slipping inside a fixed hollow cylinder of radius b. Show Show that the plane through axes moves in a circular pendulum of length (ba)(1+k2a2).


7.(a) Using Hamilton’s equation, find the acceleration for a sphere rolling down a rough inclined plane, if x be a distance of the point of contact of the sphere from a fixed point of the plane.


7.(b) Apply Gauss-Seidel iteration method to solve the following system of equation:
2x3y+20z=25, correct to three decimal places.


7.(c) Reduce the following second order partial differential equation to canonical from and find the general solution:



8.(a) Given the Boolean expression


(i) Draw the logical diagram for the expression.
(ii) Minimize the expression.
(iii) Draw the logical diagram for the reduced expression.


8.(b) A sphere of radius R, whose centre is at rest, vibrates radially in an infinte incompressible fluid of density ρ, which is at rest at infinity. If the pressure at infinity is Π, show that the pressure at the surface of the sphere at time t is



Here the motion of the fluid will take place in such a manner so that each element of the fluid moves towards the centre. Hence the free surface would be spherical. Thus the fluid velocity v will be radial and hence v will be function of r (the radial distance from the centre of the sphere which is taken as origin), and time t only. Let p be pressure at a distance r.

Let P be the pressure on the surface of the sphere of radius R and V be the velocity there. Then the equation of continuity is:

r2v=R2V=F(t)(1) From (1) vt=F(t)r2(2) Again equation of motion is: vt+vvr=1ρpr F(t)r2+r(12v2)=1ρpr, (using (2)) … (3)

Integrating with respect to r, (3) reduces to: F(t)r+12v2=pρ+C, C being an arbitrary constant When r=, then v=0 and p=Π so that C=Π/ρ. Then, we get F(t)r+12v2=Πpρ p=Π+12ρ[2F(t)rv2](4) But p=P and v=V when r=R. Hence (4) gives:

P=Π+12ρ[2R{F(t)}r=RV2](5) Also V=dR/dt. Hence using (1), we have


Using the above values of V and {F(t)}r=R,(5) reduces to


Hence, proved.

8.(c) Two sources, each of strength m, are placed at the point at the points (a,0), (a,0) and a sink of strength 2m at origin. Show that the stream lines are the curves (x2+y2)2=a2(x2y2+λxy), where λ is variable parameter.

Show also that the fluid speed at any point is (2ma2)/(r1r2r3), where r1, r2 and r3 are the distances of the points from the sources and the sink, respectively.


First Part: The complex potential w at any point P(z) is given by w=mlog(za)mlog(z+a)+2mlogz(1)


ϕ+iψ=m[log(x2y2+2by)log(x2y2a2+2by)], as z=x+iy


Equating the imaginary parts, we have ψ=m[tan1{2xy/(x2y2)}tan1{2xy/(x2y2a2)}]ψ=mtan1[2a2xy(x2+y2)2a2(x2y2)], on simplification 

The desired streamlines are given by ψ= constant =mtan1(2/λ). Then we obtain

(2/λ)=(2a2xy)/[(x2+y2)2a2(x2y2)] or (x2+y2)2=a2(x2y2+λxy)

Second Part: We have,

dwdz=mzamz+a+2mz=2a2mz(za)(z+a) q=|dwdz|=2a2m|zvertza||z+a|=2a2mr1r2r3 where r1=|za|,r2=|z+a| and r3=|z|

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