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First Order PDEs

We will cover following topics

Types of first order PDEs

First order PDEs are classified into following four types:

(i) Linear: Linear in p, q and z, and coefficients of p and q are independent functions of x and y.

It is of the form P(x,y)p+Q(x,y)q=R(x,y)z+S(x,y). For example, p+(x+y)qz=ex.

(ii) Semilinear: Linear in p and q, and and coefficients of p and q are independent functions of x and y. It is of the form P(x,y)p+Q(x,y)q=R(x,y,z).

For example, p+(x+y)qz3xy.

(iii) Quasilinear: Linear in p and q. It is of the form P(x,y,z)p+Q(x,y,z)q=R(x,y,z).

For example, pz+(x+y)qz3xy=ex.

(iv) Nonlinear: PDEs which are not Linear. For example, p2+q2=1.

Types of solutions of PDEs

(i) Complete Solution or Complete Integral: An expression of the type f(x,y,z,a,b)=0 which is also a solution of the PDE.

For example, the expression f(x,y,z,a,b)=z(ax+by+a2+b2) is a solution to the PDE zpxqyp2q2=0.

(ii) General Solution or General Integral: An expression of the form f(ϕ,ψ)=0 which is also a solution to the PDE.

For example, the expression f(ϕ,ψ)=0, where ϕ=yx and ψ=zx, is a solution to the PDE zxpyq.

(iii) Singular Solution or Singular Integral: It is the envelope of the complete integral, if the envelope exists.

Quasilinear first order PDEs

The general solution of a quasilinear first order PDE a(x,y,u)ux+b(x,y,u)uy=c(x,y,u) is given by f(ϕ,ψ)=0, where f is an arbitrary function of ϕ(x,y,u) and ψ(x,y,u), and ϕ=c1, ψ=c2 are the solution curves of the characteristic equations


The solution curves defined by ϕ(x,y,u)=c1 and ψ(x,y,u)=c2 are called the families of characteristic curves of the given quasilinear PDE.

Non-linear first order PDEs

Charpit’s method for nonlinear first order PDEs

Let f(x,y,z,p,q)=0 be the given PDE.

We first write down the Charpit’s auxiliary equations, i.e.,


and select any two partial fractions from these equations to find p and q. We then write dz=pdx+qdy and integrate this to find the complete integral of the PDE.

Cauchy’s Method Of Characteristics

According to Cauchy’s method of characteristics, the characteristic curves of the quasilinear PDE a(x,y,z)zx+b(x,y,z)zy=c(x,y,z) are given by the equations:



Quasilinear first order PDEs

1) Find a complete integral of the partial differential equation 2(pq+yp+qx)+x2+y2=0.

[2017, 15M]

2) Final the general integral of the partial differential equation (y+zx)p(x+yz)q=x2y2.

[2016, 10M]

3) Solve the partial differential equation: (y2+z2x2)p2xyq+2xz=0, where p=zx and q=zy and q=zy.

[2015, 10M]

4) Solve for the general solution pcos(x+y)+qsin(x+y)=z, where p=zx and q=zy.

[2015, 15M]

5) Solve the PDE (x+2z)zx+(4zxy)zy=2x2+y.

[2011, 12M]

6) Find the surface satisfying the PDE (D22DD+D2)Z=0 and the conditions that bZ=y2 when x=0 and aZ=x2 when y=0.

[2010, 12M]

7) Find complete and singular integrals of 2xzpx22qxy+pq=0 using Charpit’s method.

[2008, 15M]

8) Solve 2zxpx22qxy+pq=0.

[2007, 6M]

9) Solve: px(z2y2)=(zqy)(zy22x3).

[2006, 12M]

10) Solve the equation p2x+q2y=z, p=zx, q=zy.

[2006, 15M]

11) Obtain the general solution of (D3D2)2z=2e2xsin(y+3x) where D=x and D=y.

[2005, 30M]

12) Using Charpit’s method, find the complete solution of the partial differential equation p2x+q2y=z.

[2004, 15M]

13) Find two complete integrals of the partial differential equation x2p2+y2q24=0.

[2002, 12M]

14) Find the solution of the equation z=12(p2+q2)+(px)(qy).

[2002, 12M]

15) Find the complete integral of the partial differential equation 2p2q2+3x2y2=8x2q2(x2+y2).

[2001, 12M]

16) Find the general integral of the equation {my(x+y)nz2}zx{lx(x+y)nz2}zy=(lxmy)z.

[2001, 12M]

Cauchy’s Method of Characteristics

1) Solve the first order quasilinear partial differential equation by the method of characteristics:

xux+(uxy)uy=x+2y in x>0,<u< with u=1+y on x=1.

[2019, 15M]

2) Find the general solution of the partial differential equation


where p=zx, q=zy, and its integral surface that passes through the curve: x=t, y=t2, z=1.

[2018, 15M]

3) Determine the characteristics of the equation z=p2q2 and find the integral surface which passes though the parabola 4z+x2=0.

[2016, 15M]

4) Solve the following partial differential equation, zp+yq=x, x0(s)=s, y0(s)=1, z0(s)=2s, by the method of characteristics.

[2010, 20M]

5) Find the characteristics of: y2rx2t=0 where r and t have their usual meanings.

[2009, 15M]

6) Find the general solution of the partial differential equation (2xy1)p+(z2x2)q=2(xyz) and also find the particular solution which passes through the lines x=1, y=0.

[2008, 12M]

7) Find the particular integral of x(yz)p+y(zx)q=z(xy) which represents a surface passing through x=y=z.

[2005, 12M]

8) Find the complete integral of the partial differential equation (p2+q2)x=pz and deduce the solution which passes through the curve x=0, z2=4y.

[2004, 12M]

9) Find the characteristic strips of the equation xp+yqpq=0 and then find the equation of the integral surface through the curve z=x2, y=0.

[2002, 20M]

10) Prove that for the equation z+px+qy1pqx2y2=0 the characteristic strips are given by x(t)=1B+Cet, y(t)=1A+Det, z(t)=E(AC+BD)et, p(t)=A(B+Cet)2, q(t)=B(A+Det)2 where A, B, C, D and E are arbitrary constants. Hence find the values of these arbitrary constants if the integral surface passes the line z=0, x=y.

[2001, 30M]

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