Vortex Motion
We will cover following topics
Vortex Motion
1) Does a fluid with velocity q=[z−2xr,2y−3z−2yr,x−3y−2zr] possess vorticity, where q(u,v,w) is the velocity in the Cartesian frame →r(x,y,z) and r2=x2+y2+z2? What is the circulation in the circle x2+y2=9, z=0?
[2016, 10M]
(i) Calculation of vorticity:
velocity →q=(z−2xr)ˆi+(2y−3z−2yr)ˆj+(x−3y−2zr)ˆk =uˆi+vˆj+ωˆk
∇×→q=ˆi(−3+2zr2×yr+3−2yr2×zr)−ˆj(1+2zr2×xσ−1−2xr2×zr)+ˆk(+2yr2×xr−2xr2×yσ)=0∴ fluid does not possess vorticity.
(ii) Calculation of circulation:
u=z−2xr, v=2y−3z−2yr, w=x−3y−2zr…(1)
Let x=3cosθ, y=3sinθ, z=0…(2)
⟹ dx=−3sinθdθ, dy=−3cosθdθ, dz=0…(3)
Now, the circulation around the circle C is given by:
Thus, the circulation is 0.
2) Prove that the necessary and sufficient conditions that the vortex lines may be at right angles to the stream lines are u, v, m=μ(∂ϕ∂x,∂ϕ∂y,∂ϕ∂z) where μ and ϕ are functions of x, y, z, t.
[2013, 10M]
The differential equations of streamlines and vortex lines are respectively: dxu=dyv=dzw…(1) dxξ=dyη=dzζ…(2) (1) and (2) will intersect orthogonally iff ξ+vη+wζ=0⟹μ(∂w∂y−∂v∂2)+v(∂u∂z−∂ω∂x)+ω(∂v∂x−∂u∂y)=0 This implies that udx+vdy+wdz is a perfect differential.
∴udx+vdy+wdz=μdψ=μ(∂ψ∂xdx+∂ψ∂ydy+∂ψ∂zdx).⟹u,u,w=μ(∂ϕ∂x,∂ϕ∂y,∂ϕ∂z)3) An infinite row of the equidistant rectilinear vortices are at distance a apart. The vortices are of the same numerical strength K but they are alternately of opposite signs. Find the Complex function that determines the velocity potential and the stream function.
[2011, 30M]
Let row of vertices be taken along x−axis.
So, we have vortices of strength k each points (0,0), (±2a,0), (±4a,0),… and those of strength −k each at points (±a,0), (±2a,0),…
Thus, the complex potential of entire system is given by:
w=ik2n[logz+log(z−2a)+log(z+2a)+…]−ik2n[log(z−a)+log(z+a)+log(z−3a)+⋯]=ik2πlog(z[z2−(2a)2][z2−(4a)2)]…[z2−a2][z2−(3a2)]…)=ik2πlog(z2a[1−(z2a)2][1−(z4a)2]c…[1−(za)2][1−(z3a)2)…)=ik2πlog(sinπz/2acos(π2/2a))⟹w=ik2πlog(tan(πz2a))This will determine velocity potential and stream function.
4) In an incompressible fluid the vorticity at every point is constant in magnitude and direction, show that the components of velocity u, v, w are solutions of Laplace’s equation.
[2010, 12M]
Vorticity (Ω)= curl q Ω=|ˆiˆjˆk∂∂x∂∂y∂∂zuvw|=(∂w∂y−∂v∂z)ˆı+(∂u∂z−∂w∂x)ˆj+(∂v∂x−∂u∂y)ˆk
Now, since Ω is constant, therefore
∂w∂y−∂v∂z=c1…(1)∂u∂z−∂w∂x=c2…(2)∂vdx−∂u∂y=c3…(3)Differentiating (2) by z and (3) byy and subtracting, we get:
d2u∂z2−∂2w∂z∂x−∂2v∂ydx+∂2udy2=0∂2u∂y2+d2u∂z2−∂2v∂x∂y−∂2wdx∂z=0∂2u∂y2+∂2u∂z2−∂∂x[∂)v∂y+∂w∂z]=0…(4)Acccording to the equation of continuity,
∂udx+dvdy+dwdz=0∴−∂u∂x=∂v∂y+dwdz Putting this in (4), we get
∂2u∂y2+∂2u∂z2−∂∂x(−∂u∂x)=0 =∂2u∂y2+∂2u∂z2+∂2u∂x2=0 ∴∇2u=0 Similarly we can show ∇2v=0 and ∇2ω=0.
Hence proved.
5) When a pair of equal and opposite rectilinear vortices are situated in a long circle cylinder at equal distance from its axis, show that the path of each vortex is given by the equation (r2sin2θ−b2)(r2−a2)2=4a2b2r2sin2θ, θ being measured from the line through the centre perpendicular to the joint of the vortices.
[2010, 30M]
Let the axis of the cylinder be x−axis and vortices are situated at P(r,θ) and (r,−θ) respectively.
Also, let strength at P=k and strength at Q=−k.
Clearly, line PQ is perpendicular to the x−axis.
The image system due to P consists:
→ Vortex of strength −k at a2r(P′), where a is radius of cylinder,
→ Vortex at centre of cylinder of strength k.
Image systen due to Q consists: → Vorex of strength k at a2rsay Q → Vortex of stremth −k at center of cylinder.
Vortices at the centre of cylinder cancel out.
At any point S(2), the complex potential W is given by:
W=ik2π[log(z−reiθ)−log(z−a2reiθ)−log(z−re−iθ)+log(z−a2re−iθ)]Complex potential at P(r,θ) will be: W′=W - potential due to P W′=ik2π[−log(z−a2reiθ)−log(z−ie−iθ)+log(z−a2re−iθ)] W′=ik2π[log(z−a2re−iθ)(z−re−iθ)(z−a2reiθ)] At P, z=reiθ W′=ik2π[log(reiθ−a2re−iθ)(reiθ−re−iθ)(eiθ−a2reiθ)] As W′=ϕ+iψ ∴ψ=k2πlog∣reiθ−a2e−iθr||reiθ−re−iθ||reiθ−a2riθ∣
Streamlines are given by ψ= constant k2π[log|r2eiθ−a2e−iθ|/r|2irsinθ∣|r2eiθ−a2eiθr|]=C1
log∣(r2+a2)sinθi+(r2−a2)cosθ||2irsinθ||(r2−a2)cosθ+i(r2−a2)sinθ|=C2 ⇒((r2+a2)2−(r2−a2)2)sin2θ+r2−a2)24r2sin2θ(r2−a2)2=C3 4r2a2sin2θ+(r2−a2)24r2sin2θ(r2−a2)2=C34r2a2sin2θ+(c2−a2)2=C34r2sin2θ(r2−a2)2
If we take C3=14b2,b is constant 4r2a2sin2θ=(r2−a2)2[4r2sin2θ14b2−1] 4r2a2sin2θ=(x2−a2)2b2(r2sin2θ−b2) 4r2a2b2sin2θ=(r2−a2)2(r2sin2θ−b2)
Hence, proved.
6) Prove that the necessary and sufficient condition for vortex lines and stream to be at right angles to each other is that u=μ∂ϕ∂x, v=μ∂ϕ∂y, w=μ∂ϕ∂z where μ and ϕ are functions of x, y, z and t.
[2005, 12M]
The differential equations of streamlines and vortex lines are respectively: dxu=dyv=dzw…(1) dxξ=dyη=dzζ…(2) (1) and (2) will intersect orthogonally iff ξ+vη+wζ=0⟹μ(∂w∂y−∂v∂2)+v(∂u∂z−∂ω∂x)+ω(∂v∂x−∂u∂y)=0 This implies that udx+vdy+wdz is a perfect differential.
∴udx+vdy+wdz=μdψ=μ(∂ψ∂xdx+∂ψ∂ydy+∂ψ∂zdx).⟹u,u,w=μ(∂ϕ∂x,∂ϕ∂y,∂ϕ∂z)7) In an incompressible fluid the vorticity at every point is constant in magnitude and direction. Do the velocity components satisfy the Laplace equation? Justify.
[2004, 12M]