Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
We will cover following topics
Characteristic Polynomial
The characteristic polynomial of a matrix is formed by equationg to 0. It gives the eigen values of and then corresponding to each eigen value, the eigen vector can be found as .
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
For a matrix , if , then is called an eigen vector of corresponding to the eigen vector .
To calculate eigen vectors and eigen values, we first form the characteristic polynomial and then for each , we find the corresponding eigen vector by solving
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem: It states that every square matrix satisfies its own characteristic equation .
Characteristic Polynomial
1) Show that similar matrices have the same characteristic polynomial.
[2017, 10M]
2) If then find .
[2016, 4M]
3) If is a characteristic root of a non-singular matrix , then prove that is a characteristic root of .
[2012, 8M]
4) Find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix . Hence, find and .
[2004, 15M]
5) A square matrix is non-singular if and only if the constant term in its characteristic polynomial is different from zero.
[2002, 12M]
6) If is a characteristic root of a non-singular matrix then prove that is a characteristic root of .
[2001, 12M]
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
1) Show that if and are similar matrices, then they have the same eigenvalues.
[2018, 12M]
2) Prove that distance non-zero eigenvectors of a matrix are linearly independent.
[2017, 10M]
3) If , then find the Eigen values and Eigenvectors of .
[2016, 6M]
4) Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors of the matrix .
[2015, 12M]
5) Let . Find the Eigen values of and the corresponding Eigen vectors.
[2014, 8M]
6) Let be a square matrix and be its adjoint, show that the Eigen values of matrices and are real. Further show that .
[2013, 10M]
7) Let , where is a cube root of unity. If , , denote the Eigen values of , show that .
[2013, 8M]
8) Let , , be the Eigen values of a square matrix with corresponding Eigen vectors . If is a matrix similar to , show that the Eigen values of are same as that of . Also, find the relation between the Eigen vectors of and Eigen vectors of .
[2011, 10M]
9) Let and be a non-singular matrix of order . Find the Eigen values of the matrix where
[2011, 10M]
10) If , , are the Eigen values of the matrix , show that
[2010, 12M]
11) Let and be matrices over reals. Show that is invertible if is invertible. Deduce that and have the same Eigen values.
[2010, 20M]
12) Prove that the Eigen vectors corresponding to distinct Eigen values of a square matrix are linearly independent.
[2003, 15M]
13) Let be a real symmetric matrix with Eigen values 0, 0 and 5. If the corresponding Eigen-vectors are (2,0,1), (2,1,1) and (1,0,-2), then find the matrix .
[2002, 15M]
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
1) State the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Use this theorem to find , where
2) If matrix then find .
[2015, 12M]
3) Verify the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix
Using this, show that A is non-sinugular and find A^{-1}.
[2011, 10M]
4) Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix and hence find its inverse. Also, find the matrix represented by .
[2014, 10M]
5) State Cayley-Hamilton theorem and using it, find the inverse of .
[2006, 12M]
6) If , then find the matrix represented by .
[2003, 12M]
7) Use Cayley-Hamilton theorem to find the inverse of the following matrix: .
[2002, 15M]
8) If , show that for every integer , . Hence, determine .
[2001, 15M]