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We will cover following topics

Derivative of a function of single variable

The derivative of f(x) is defined by f(x)=limh0f(x+h)f(x)h. The following notations are used to denote the derivative of a function y=f(x): y, f(x), dfdx, dydx and Df(x).

Application of Derivatives of a Single Variable

Maxima and Minima

The maxima and minima of a function f can be obtained by equating its derivative to 0 and then check for second-order derivative at the roots.

(i) For a maxima, dydt=0 and d2ydt2<0

(ii) For a minima, dydt=0 and d2ydt2>0

(iii) For a saddle point, dydt=0 and d2ydt2=0

Rolle’s Theorem and MVT

For a function f which is continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b), where a<b, we state the following two theorems:

Rolle’s Theorem: If f(a)=f(b). Then, according to Rolle’s Theorem,  c such that c(a,b) and f(c)=0.

Mean Value Theorem: There exists c(a,b) such that f(c)=(f(b)f(a)ba)

Partial Derivatives

A partial derivative of a function of several variables is its derivative with respect to one of those variables, with the others held constant (as opposed to the total derivative, in which all variables are allowed to vary).

The partial derivative of a function f(x,y,) with respect to the variable x is variously denoted by: fx, fπ, xf, Dxf, D1f, xf, or fx.

Applications of Partial Derivatives

Maxima and Minima

Lagrange’s Method of Multipliers: Lagrange’s method of multipliers is a strategy for finding the local maxima and minima of a function subject to equality constraints. We can be provided with a single constraint or multiple constraints.

Refer Here


The Jacobian martix is the matrix of all first-order partial derivatives of a vector-valued function. If the matrix is a square matrix, both the matrix and its determinant are referred to as the Jacobian in literature.

Refer Here


Let z=f(x,y) be a function that possesses continuous partial derivatives wrt x and y. Then, the approximate change dz in z corresponding to the small changes δx and δy in x, y is given by:



Derivative of a function of single variable

1) Find the supremum and infimum of xsinx on the interval (0,π2]

[2017, 10M]

2) For the function f:(0,)R given by f(x)=x2sin1x, 0<x<, show that there is a differentiable function g:RR that extends f.

[2016, 10M]

3) State Rolle’s theorem. Use it to prove that between two roots of excosx=1, there will be a root of exsinx=1.

[2009, 12M]

4) For x>0, show x1+x<log(1+x)<x.

[2008, 6M]

5) Using Lagrange’s mean value theorem, show that |cosbcosa||ba|.

[2007, 12M]

6) A twice differentiable function f is such that f(a)=0 and f(c)>0 for a<c<b. Prove that there is at least one value ξ,a<ξ<b for which f(ξ)<0.

[2006, 20M]

7) If f and g exist for every x[a,b] and if g(x) does not vanish anywhere in (a,b), show that there exists c in (a,b) such that f(c)f(a)g(b)g(c)=f(c)g(c)

[2005, 30M]

Partial Derivatives

1) Show that the function


is continuous and differentiable at (1,1).

[2019, 10M]

2) Obtain 2f(0,0)xy and 2f(0,0)yx for the function


Also, discuss the continuity 2fxy and 2fyx of f at (0,0).

[2014, 15M]

3) Let f(x,y)={(x+y)2x2+y2, if (x,y)(0,0)1, if (x,y)=(0,0).

Show that fx and fy exist at (0,0) though f(x,y) is not continuous at (0,0).

[2012, 15M]

4) Show that the function given by f(x,y)={xyx2+2y2(x,y)(0,0)0(x,y)=(0,0) is not continuous at (0,0) but its partial derivatives fx and fy exist at (0,0).

[2007, 12M]

5) Show that the function given by f(x,y)={x3+2y3x2+y2,(x,y)(0,0)0,(x,y)=(0,0)
i) is continuous at (0,0)
ii) possesses partial derivative fx(0,0) and fy(0,0)

[2006, 20M]

Applications of Partial Derivatives

1) Using differentials, find an approximate value of f(4.1,4.9) where


[2019, 15M]

2) Find the maximum value of f(x,y,z)=x2y2z2 subject to the subsidiary condition x2+y2+z2=c2, (x,y,z>0).

[2019, 15M]

3) Find the relative maximum minimum values of the function f(x,y)=x4+y42x2+4xy2y2.

[2016, 15M]

4) Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function f(x,y)=x2+3y2y over the region x2+2y21.

[2015, 15M]

5) Find the minimum value of x2+y2+z2 subject to the condition xyz=a3 by the method of Lagrange multipliers.

[2014, 15M]

6) Let f(x,y)=y2+4xy+3x2+x3+1. At what points will f(x,y) have a maximum or minimum?

[2013, 10M]

7) Find the minimum distance of the line given by the planes 3x+4y+5z=7 and xz=9 and from the origin, by the method of Lagrange’s multipliers.

[2012, 15M]

8) Find the shortest distance from the origin (0,0) to the hyperbola x2+8xy+7y2=225.

[2011, 15M]

9) If u, v, w are the roots of the equation in λ and xa+λ+yb+λ+zc+λ=1, evaluate (x,y,z)(u,v,w).

[2005, 12M]

10) If (x,y,z) be the lengths of perpendiculars drawn from any interior point P of triangle ABC on the sides BC, CA and AB respectively, then find the minimum value of x2+y2+z2, the sides of the triangle ABC being a, b, c.

[2004, 20M]

11) Show that the maximum value of x2y2z2 subject to condition x2+y2+z2=c2 is c627. Interpret the result.

[2003, 20M]

12) Obtain the maxima and minima of x2+y2+z2yzzxxy subject to condition x2+y2+z22x+2y+6z+9=0.

[2002, 25M]

13) Show that U=xy+yz+zx has a maximum value when the three variables are connected by the relation ax+by+cz=1 and a, b, c are positive constants satisfying the condition 2(ab+bc+ca)>(a2+b2+c2).

[2001, 20M]

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