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Paper II PYQs-2011

Section A

1.(a) Show that the set G={f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6} of six transformations on the set of Complex numbers defined by f1(z)=z,
is a non-abelian group of order 6 wrt composition of mappings.


1.(b) Let S=(0,1) and f be defined by f(x)=1x where 0<x1 (in R). Is f uniformly continuous on S? Justify your answer.


1.(c) If f(z)=u+iv is an analytic function of z=x+iy and uv=eycosx+sinxcoshycosx, find f(z) subject to the condition, f(π2)=3i2.


1.(d) Solve by Simplex method. Maximize
subject to constraints:
x1, x20


1.(e)(i) Prove that a group of Prime order is abelian.


1.(e)(ii) How many generators are there of the cyclic group (G,.) of order 8?


2.(a) Give an example of a group G in which every proper subgroup is cyclic but the group itself is not cyclic.


2.(b) Let fn(x)=nx(1x)n, x[0,1]. Examine the uniform convergence of {fn(x)} on [0,1].


2.(c) If the function f(z) is analytic and one valued in |za|<R, prove that for 0<r<R, f(a)=1πr2π0P(θ)eiθdθ, where P(θ) is the real part of f(a+reiθ).


2.(d) Find the shortest distance from the origin (0,0) to the hyperbola x2+8xy+7y2=225.


3.(a) Let F be the set of all real valued continuous functions defined on the closed interval [0,1]. Prove that (F,+,.) is a Commutative Ring with unity with respect to addition and multiplication of functions defined point wise as below:-
(f+g)x=f(x)+g(x) and (fg)x=f(x)g(x)
x[0,1] where f,gF.


3.(b) Show that the series for which the sum of first n terms, fn(x)=nx1+n2x2, 0x1 cannot be differentiated term-by-term at x=0. What happens at x0?


3.(c) Evaluate by Contour integration, 10dx(x2x3)13.


3.(d) Find the Laurent series for the function f(z)=11z2 with centre z=1.


4.(a) Let a and b be elements of a group, with a2=e, b6=e and ab=b4a. Find the order of ab, and express its inverse in each of the forms ambn and bman.


4.(b) Show that if S(x)=n=11n3+n4x2, then its derivative S(x)=2xn=11n2(1+nx2)2, for all x.


4.(c) Write down the dual of the following LP problem and hence solve it by graphical method.
Minimize Z=6x1+4x2,
subject to constraints:


Section B

5.(a) Solve the PDE (D2D2+D+3D2)z=e(xy)x2y.


5.(b) Solve the PDE (x+2z)zx+(4zxy)zy=2x2+y.


5.(c) Calculate 102dx1+x (up to 3 places of decimal) by dividing the range into 8 equal parts by Simpson’s 13rd rule.


5.(d)(i) Compute (3205)10 to the base 8.


5.(d)(ii) Let A be an arbitrary but fixed Boolean algebra with operations , and , and the zero and the unit element denoted by 0 and 1 respectively. Let x, y, z be elements of A. If x,yA be such that xy=0 and xy=1, then prove that y=x.


5.(e) Let a be the radius of the base of a right circular cone of height h and mass M . Find the moment of inertia of that right circular cone about a line through the vertex perpendicular to the axis.


6.(a) Find the surface satisfying 2zx2=6x+2 and touching z=x3+y3 along its section by the plane x+y+1=0.


6.(b) Solve 2ux2+2uy2=0,0xa,0yb satisfying the boundary conditions u(0,y)=0, u(x,0)=0, u(x,b)=0, ux(a,y)=Tsin3πya.


6.(c) Obtain temperature distribution y(x,t) in a uniform bar of unit length whose one end is kept at 100 and the other end is insulated. Also it is given that y(x,0)=1x, 0<x<1.


7.(a) A solid of revolution is formed by rotating about the xaxis, the area between the xaxis, the line x=0 and x=1 and a curve through the points with the following co-ordinates:

Find the volume of the solid.


7.(b) Find the logic circuit that represents the following Boolean function. Find also an equivalent simpler circuit:


7.(c) Draw a flow chart for Lagrange’s interpolation formula.


8.(a) The ends of a heavy rod of length 2a are rigidly attached to two light rings which can respectively slide on the thin smooth fixed horizontal and vertical wires O. The rod starts at an angle α to the horizon with an angular velocity [3g(1sinα)/2a] and moves downwards. Show that it will strike the horizontal wire at the end of time 2a/(3g)log[tan(π8α4)cotπ8].


8.(b) An infinite row of the equidistance rectilinear vortices are at distance a apart. The vortices are of the same numerical strength K but they are alternately of opposite signs. Find the Complex function that determines the velocity potential and the stream function.


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