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A ring is an abelian group \(R\) with binary operation \(+\) (“addition”), together with a second binary operation \(\cdot\) (“multiplication”). The operations satisfy the following axioms:

i) Multiplication is associative: For all \(a, b, c \in R\),

\[(a \cdot b) \cdot c = a \cdot (b \cdot c)\]

ii) The Distributive Law holds: For all \(a, b, c \in R\),

\[a \cdot (b + c) = a \cdot b + a \cdot c \quad\hbox{and}\quad (a + b) \cdot c = a \cdot c + b \cdot c\]

In other words, if we expand the definition of abelian group, then we can say that a non-empty set \(R\) is said to form a ring with respect to the binary operations addition \((+)\) and multiplication \((\cdot)\) provided, for arbitrary \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) \(\in R\), the following properties hold:

  • Associative Law of addition

    \[(a+b)+c = a+(b+c)\]
  • Commutative Law of addition

    \[a+b = b+a\]
  • Existence of an additive identity (zero)

    There exists \(z \in R\) such that \(a+z = a\)

  • Existence of additive inverses

    For each \(a \in R\), there exists \(-a \in R\) such that \(a+(-a)=z\)

  • Associative Law of multiplication

    \[(a \cdot b) \cdot c = a \cdot (b \cdot c)\]
  • Distributive Laws

    \[a(b+c) = a \cdot b + a \cdot c\]
  • \[(b+c)a = b \cdot a + c \cdot a\] \[(b+c)a = b \cdot a + c \cdot a\]

The systems \(Z\), \(R\), \(Q\) and \(C\) are some examples of rings.

Types of Rings

Ring with Identity

A ring \(R\) has a multiplicative identity if there is an element \(1 \in R\) such that \(1 \ne 0\) , and such that for all \(a \in R\),

\[1 \cdot a = a \quad\hbox{and}\quad a \cdot 1 = a\]

A ring satisfying this axiom is called a ring with 1, or a ring with identity.

Note that in the term “ring with identity”, the word “identity” refers to a multiplicative identity. Every ring has an additive identity (“0”) by definitin.

Commutative Ring

A ring for which multiplication is commutative is called a commutative ring.

Thus, if R is a ring and \(a b = b a\) for all \(a, b \in R\) , then \(R\) is a commutative ring.

Note that the adjective “commutative” applies to the multiplication operation; the addition operation is always commutative by definition.

Polynomial Ring

A polynomial ring is a ring which is formed from the set of polynomials in one or more indeterminates (also called variables) with coefficients in another ring.

Ring with Unity

A ring having a multiplicative identity element (unit element or unity) is called a ring with identity element or ring with unity.

Product Ring

Let \(R\) and \(S\) be rings. The product ring \(R\times S\) of \(R\) and \(S\) is the set consisting of all ordered pairs \((r,s)\), where \(r \in R\) and \(s \in S\). Addition and multiplication are defined component-wise: For \(a, b \in R\) and \(x\), \(y \in S\),

\[(a, x) + (b, y) = (a + b, x + y)\] \[(a, x) \cdot (b, y) = (a \cdot b, x \cdot y)\]

The additive identity is \((0, 0)\); the additive inverse \(-(r, s)\) of \((r, s)\) is \((-r, -s)\).


Let \(R\) be a ring. A non-empty subset \(S\) of the set \(R\), which is itself a ring with respect to the binary operations on \(R\), is called a subring of \(R\).


Let \(R\) be a ring and \(S\) be a proper subset of the set \(R\).

Then \(S\) is a subring of \(R\) if and only if:

i) \(S\) is closed with respect to the ring operations

ii) for each \(a \in S\), we have \(-a \in S\)

Homomorphism of Rings

Let \(R\) and \(S\) be rings. A ring homomorphism is a function \(f:R \rightarrow S\) such that:

a) For all \(x, y \in R\), \(f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)\)
b) For all \(x, y \in R\), \(f(x y) = f(x)f(y)\)

Usually, we require that if \(R\) and \(S\) are rings with 1, then

c) \(f(1_R) = 1_S\)

The first two properties stipulate that \(f\) should “preserve” the ring structure - addition and multiplication.

Lemma 1: Let \(R\) and \(S\) be rings and let \(f: R \to S\) be a ring homomorphism.

a) \(f(0) = 0\) b) \(f(-r) = -f(r)\) for all \(r\in R\)

Lemma 2: Let \(R\), \(S\), and \(T\) be rings, and let \(f: R \to S\) and \(g: S \to T\) be ring homomorphisms. Then the composite \(g \cdot f: R \to T\) is a ring homomorphism.

Kernel and Image

Kernel: The kernel of a ring map \(\phi: R \to S\) is

\[ker \phi = \{r \in R \mid \phi(r) = 0\}\]

Image: The image of a ring map $\phi: R \rightarrow S$ is

\[im \phi = \{\phi(r) \mid r \in R\}\]
  • The kernel of a ring map is like the null space of a linear transformation of vector spaces. The image of a ring map is like the column space of a linear transformation.

  • The kernel of a ring map is a two-sided ideal and image of ring map is a subring of \(S\).

Isomorphism of Rings

Let \(R\) and \(S\) be rings. A ring isomorphism from \(R\) to \(S\) is a bijective ring homomorphism \(f: R \to S\).
If there is a ring isomorphism \(f: R \to S\), \(R\) and \(S\) are isomorphic and this relationship is symbolically represented as \(R \approx S\).

For example, if \(R\) is a ring, the identity map \(\hbox{id}: R \rightarrow R\) is an isomorphism of \(R\) with itself.

Since a ring isomorphism is a bijection, isomorphic rings must have the same cardinality. So, for example, \(Z_6 \not\approx Z_{42}\), because the two rings have different numbers of elements.

However, \(Z\) and \(Q\) have the “same number” of elements (the same cardinality), but they are not isomorphic as rings. (Intuition: \(Z\) is a field, while \(Q\) is only an integral domain.)



1) Give an example of a ring having identity but a subring of this having a different identity.

[2015, 10M]

2) Prove that the set \(Q(\sqrt{5})=\{a+b \sqrt{5} : a, b \in Q\}\) is commutative ring with identity.

[2014, 15M]

3) Let \(F\) be the set of all real valued continuous functions defined on the closed interval \([0,1]\). Prove that \((F,+, .)\) is a Commutative Ring with unity with respect to addition and multiplication of functions defined point wise as below:-
\((f+g) x=f(x)+g(x)\) and \((f g) x=f(x) g(x)\)
\(x \in[0,1]\) where \(f, g \in F\).

[2011, 15M]

4) Show that the quotient ring \(\dfrac{Z[i]}{1+3 i}\) is isomorphic to the ring \(\dfrac{Z}{10 Z}\) where \(Z[i]\) denotes the ring of Gaussian integers.

[2010, 15M]

5) Suppose that there is a positive even integer \(n\) such that \(a^{n}=a\) for all the elements \(a\) of some ring \(R\). Show that \(a+a=0\) for all \(a \in R\) and \(a+b=0 \Rightarrow a=b\) for all \(a, b \in R\).

[2008, 12M]

6) Show that in the ring \(R=\{a+b \sqrt{-5} \vert a, b \in Z\}\), the elements \(\alpha=3\) and \(\beta=1+2 \sqrt{-5}\) are relatively prime, but \(\alpha \gamma\) and \(\beta \gamma\) have no g.c.d in \(R\), where \(\gamma=7(1+2 \sqrt{-5})\).

[2007, 15M]

7) Show that \((1+i)\) is a prime element in the ring \(R\) of Gaussian integers.

[2005, 12M]

8) Prove that if the cancellation law holds for a ring \(R\) then \(a( \neq 0) \in R\) is not a zero divisor and conversely.

[2004, 10M]

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