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Paper I PYQs-2011

Section A

1.(a) Let A be a non-singular n×n square matrix. Show that A(adjA)=|A|In. Hence show that |adj(adjA)|=|A|(n1)2.


1.(b) Let A=[101345067], X=[xyz], B=[265].

Solve the system of equations given by AX=B.

Using the above, also solve the system of equations ATX=B, where AT denotes the transpose of matrix A.


1.(c) Find lim(x,y)(0,0)x2yx3+y3 if it exists.


1.(d) Let f be a function defined on R such that f(0)=3 and f(x)5 for all values of x in R. How large can f(2) possibly be?


1.(e) Find the equation of the straight line through the point (3,1,2) to intersect the straight line x+4=y+1=2(z2) and parallel to the plane 4x+y+5z=0.


1.(f) Show that the equation of the sphere which touches the sphere 4(x2+y2+z2)+10x25y2z=0 at the point (1,2,2) and passes through the point (1,0,0) is x2+y2+z2+2x6y+1=0.


2.(a)(i) Let λ1, λ2, λn be the Eigen values of a n×n square matrix A with corresponding Eigen vectors X1,X2,.Xn. If B is a matrix similar to A, show that the Eigen values of B are same as that of A. Also, find the relation between the Eigen vectors of B and Eigen vectors of A.


2.(a)(ii) Verify the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix


Using this, show that A is non-sinugular and find A^{-1}.


2.(b)(i) Show that the subspaces of R3 spanned by two sets of vectors {(1,1,1),(1,0,1)} and {(1,2,3),(5,2,1)} are identical. Also find the dimension of this subspace.


2.(b)(ii) Find the nullity and a basis of the null space of the linear transformation A:R(4)R(4) given by the matrix A=[0131101131021120].


2.(c)(i) Show that the vectors (1,1,1), (2,1,2) and (1,2,3) are linearly independent in R(3).

Let R(3)R(3) be a linear transformation defined by


Show that the images of above vectors under are linearly dependent. Give the reason for the same.


2.(c)(ii) Let A=[222111131] and C be a non-singular matrix of order 3×3. Find the Eigen values of the matrix B3 where B=C1AC


3.(a) Evaluate

(i) limx2f(x), where f(x)={x24x2,x2π,x=2


(ii) 10lnxdx


3.(b) Find the points on the sphere x2+y2+z2=4 that are closest to and farthest from the point (3,1,1).


3.(c) Find the volume of the solid that lies under the paraboloid z=x2+y2 above the xyplane and inside the cylinder x2+y2=2x.


4.(a) Three points P, Q and R are taken on the ellipsoid x2a2+y2b2+z2c2=1 so that lines joining to P, Q and R to origin are mutually perpendicular. Prove that plane PQR touches a fixed sphere.


4.(b) Show that the cone yz+xz+xy=0 cuts the sphere x2+y2+z2=a2 in two equal circles, and find their areas.


4.(c) Show that generators through any one of the ends of an equi-conjugate diameter of the principal elliptic section of the hyperboloid x2a2+y2b2z2c2=1 are inclined to each other at an angle of 60 if a2+b2=6c2. Find also the condition for the generators to be perpendicular to each other.


Section B

5.(a) Obtain the solution of the ordinary differential equation dydx=(4x+y+1)2,$if$y(0)=1


5.(b) Determine the orthogonal trajectory of a family of curves represented by the polar equation r=a(1cosθ),(r,θ) being the plane polar coordinates of any point.


5.(c) The velocity of a train increases from 0 to v at a constant acceleration f1, then remains constant for an interval and again decreases to 0 at a constant retardation f2. If the total distance described is x, find the total time taken.


5.(d) A projectile aimed at a mark which is in the horizontal plane through the point of projection, falls x meter short of it when the angle of projection is α and goes y meter beyond when the angle of projection is β. If the velocity of projection is assumed same in all cases, find the correct angle of projection.


5.(e) For two vectors a and b given respectively by a=5t2ˆi+ˆtˆȷt3ˆk and b=sin5tˆicostˆj, determine:
i) ddt(ab)
ii) ddt(a×b)


5.(f) If u and v are two scalar fields and f is a vector field, such that uf=gradv, find the value of fcurlf.


6.(a) Obtain Clairaut’s form of the differential equation (xdydxy)(ydydx+x)=a2dydx Also find its general solution.


6.(b) Obtain the general solution of the second order ordinary differential equation y2y+2y=x+excosx, where dashes denote derivatives w.r.t. x.


6.(c) Using the method of variation of parameters, solve the second order differential equation d2ydx2+4y=tan2x.


6.(d) Use Laplace transform method to solve the following initial value problem: d2xdt22dxdt+x=et, x(0)=2 and $$\left.\dfrac{d y}{d t}\right _{t=0}=-1$$.


7.(a) A mass of 560 kg, moving with a velocity of 240 m/sec strikes a fixed target and is brought to rest in 1100 sec. Find the impulse of the blow on the target and assuming the resistance to be uniform throughout the time taken by the body in coming to rest, find the distance through which it penetrates.


7.(b) A ladder of weight W rests with one end against a smooth vertical wall and the other end rests on a smoth floor. If the inclination of the ladder to the horizon is 60, find the horizontal force that must be applied to the lower end to pervent the ladder from slipping down.


7.(c)(i) After a ball has been falling under gravity for 5 seconds, it passes through a plane of glass and loses half its velocity. If it now reaches the ground in 1 second, find the height of glass above the ground.


7.(c)(ii) A particle of mass m moves on straight line under an attractive force mn2x towards a point O on the line, where x is the distance from O. If x=a and dxdt=u when t=0, find x(t) for any time t>0.


8.(a) Examine whether the vectors u, u and w are coplanar, where u, v and w are the scalar functions defined by:
u=x+y+zv=x2+y2+z2 and w=yz+zx+xy.


8.(b) If u=4yˆi+xˆj+2zˆk, calculate the double integral (×u)ds over the hemisphere given by x2+y2+z2=a2, z0.


8.(c) If r be the position vector of a point, find the value(s) of n for which the vector rnr is: i) irrotational,
ii) solenoidal.


8.(d) Verify Gauss’ Divergence Theorem for the vector v=x2ˆi+y2ˆj+z2ˆk taken over the cube 0x,y,z1.


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