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Computer Programming

We will cover following topics

Number Systems

Binary System

  • Algebra Of Binary Numbers
    • Addition
    • Subtraction
    • Multiplication
    • Division

Decimal System

Octal System

Hexadecimal System

Conversion from one Number System to Other

Conversion To And From Decimal Systems

Conversion To And From Binary Systems


Number Systems

1) Given the number 59.625 in decimal system. Write its binary equivalent.

[2006, 6M]

2) If \((A B, C D)_{16}=(x)_{2}=(y)_{8}=(z)_{10}\), then find \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\).

[2004, 6M]

3) In a 4-bit representation, what is the value of 1111 in signed integer form, unsigned integer form, signed 1’s complement form and signed 2’s complement form?

[2004, 6M]

4) Find the multiplication of the following binary numbers: 11001.1 and 101.1

[2003, 6M]

5) Convert the following binary number into octal and hexadecimal system:
\(\quad {101110010.10010}\).

[2003, 6M]

6) Convert \((100.85)_{10}\) into its binary equivalent.

[2002, 4M]

7) Multiply the binary numbers \((1111.01)_{2}\) and \((1101.11)_{2}\) and check with its decimal equivalent.

[2002, 8M]

8) Express the area of the triangle having sides of lengths \(6 \sqrt{2}\), 12, \(6 \sqrt{2}\) units in binary number system.

[2001, 6M]

Conversion from one Number System to Other

1) Find the equivalent numbers given in a specified number to the system mentioned against them: (i) Integer 524 in binary system.
(ii) 101010110101.101101011 to octal system.
(iii) Decimal number 5280 to hexadecimal system
(iv) Find the unknown number \((1101.101)_8\) to \((?)_{10}\).

[2019, 15M]

2) Find the equivalent of numbers given in a specified number system to the system mentioned against them.

(i) \((111011.101)_2\) to decimal system
(ii) \((1000111110000.00101100)_2\) to hexadecimal system
(iii) \((C4F2)_{16}\) to decimal system
(iv) \((418)_{10}\) to binary system

[2018, 15M]

3) Convert the following decimal numbers to univalent binary and hexadecimal numbers:

(i) 4096, (ii) 0.4375, (iii) 2048.0625

[2016, 10M]

4) Compute \((3205)_{10}\) to the base 8.

[2011, 6M]

5) Find the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal number \((587632)_{10}\).

[2010, 5M]

6) Find the decimal equivalent of \((357.32)_{8}\).

[2009, 6M]

7) Convert: (i) 46655 given to be in the decimal system into one in base 6.
(ii) \((11110.01)_{2}\) into a number in the decimal system.

[2007, 12M]

8) Given the number 3898 in decimal system. Write its equivalent in system base 8.

[2006, 6M]

9) Find the hexadecimal equivalent of \((41819)_{10}\) and decimal equivalent of \((111011.10)_{2}\).

[2005, 12M]

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