We will cover following topics
Series And Its Convergence
Any ordered infinite sequence of terms is called a series, and is denoted by .
A series converges if the sequence of the partial sums of the series converges.
The sequence of partial sums is defined as , where
For example, converges because . Similarly, for , the geometric series converges to because .
A necessary condition for to converge is that . For example, for , diverges because . Similarly, diverges because .
The above condition is necessary but not sufficient. For example, diverges, however, .
Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Convergence
Theorem 1
Let . Then, converges if and only if the partial sum is bounded above.
For example, the harmonic series diverges because
which diverges as .
Comparison Test
If for . Then,
(i) If converges converges.
For example, converges because .
Here, is a difference series which converges to 1 as . Therefore, converges.
Based on this result, we can also say that converges because for .
(ii) If diverges, diverges.
For example, diverges because and the harmonic series diverges.
Rearrangement Of Series
Riemann Series Theorem: It says that if an infinite series of real numbers is conditionally convergent, then its terms can be arranged in a permutation so that the new series coverges to an arbitrary real number, or diverges.
Series And Its Convergence
1) Find the range of for which the series:
, is
(i) absolutely convergent and (ii) conditionally convergent.
[2018, 10M]
2) Show that the series is conditionally convergent. (If you use any theorem, to show it, then you must give a proof of that theorem(s)).
[2016, 15M]
3) Test the convergence and absolute covergence of the series .
[2015, 10M]
4) Show that the series is convergent.
[2012, 12M]
5) Show that the series ++ till infinity, converges.
[2009, 15M]
6) Find all the positive values of for which the series converges.
[2002, 12M]
Rearrangement of Series
1) Let be a conditionally convergent series of real numbers. Show that there is a rearrangement of the series that converges to 100.
[2017, 20M]
2) Show that the series is equivalent to .
[2008, 15M]
3) Rearrange the series to converge to 1.
[2007, 20M]