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Hamilton’s Equations

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Hamilton’s Equations


Hamilton’s Equations

1) Using Hamilton’s equation, find the acceleration for a sphere rolling down a rough inclined plane, if \(x\) be a distance of the point of contact of the sphere from a fixed point of the plane.

[2019, 15M]

2) The Hamiltonian of a mechanical system is given by,

\(H=p_1q_1-aq^2_1+bq^2_2=p_2q_2\), where \(a\), \(b\) are constants. Solve the Hamiltonian equations and show that \(\dfrac{p_2 - bq_2}{q_1}=constant\).

[2018, 20M]

3) Consider single free particle of mass \(m\), moving in space under no forces. If the particle starts form the origin at \(t=0\) and reaches the position \((x, y, z)\) at time \(\tau\), find the Hamilton’s characteristic function \(S\) as a function of \(x, y, z, \tau\).

[2016, 10M]

4) Solve the plane pendulum problem using the Hamiltonian approach and show that \(H\) is a constant of motion.

[2015, 15M]

5) A Hamiltonian of a system with one degree of freedom has form

\[H=\dfrac{p^{2}}{2 \alpha}- bqpe^{-\alpha t}+\dfrac{b \alpha}{2} q^{2} e^{-\alpha t} \left(\alpha+b e^{-\alpha t}\right)+\dfrac{k}{2} q^{2}\]

where \(\alpha\), \(b\), \(k\) are constants, \(q\) is the generalized coordinate and \(p\) is the corresponding generalized momentum.
(i) Find a Lagrangian corresponding to this Hamiltonian.
(ii) Find an equivalent Lagrangian that is not explicitly dependent on time.

[2015, 20M]

6) Find the equation of motion of a compound pendulum using Hamilton’s equations.

[2014, 10M]

7) A sphere of radius \(a\) land mass \(m\) rolles down a rough plane inclined at an angle \(\alpha\) to the horizontal. If \(x\) be the distance of the point of contact of the sphere from a fixed point on the plane, find the acceleration by using Hamilton’s equation.

[2010, 30M]

8) A point mass \(m\) is placed on a frictionless plane that is tangent to the Earth’s surface. Determine Hamilton’s equations by taking \(x\) or \(\theta\) as the generalized coordinate.

[2007, 30M]

9) A particle of mass \(m\) is constrained to move on the surface of a cylinder. The particle is subject to a force directed towards the origin and proportional to the distance to of particle from the origin. Construct the Hamiltonian and Hamilton’s equations of motion.

[2006, 30M]

10) Derive the Hamilton equations of motion from the principle of least action and obtain the same for a particle of mass \(m\) moving in a force field of potential \(V\). Write these equations in spherical coordinates \((r, \theta, \phi)\).

[2004, 30M]

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