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We will cover following topics


1) Define the divergence of a vector point function, prove that div(u×v)=vcurluucurlv.

2) Using Gauss divergence theorem, evaluate s(xi^+yi^+z2k^)n^ds where S is the closed surface bounded by the cone x2+y2=2 and the plane Z=1 and n^ is the outward unit normal to S.


1) Show that for a vector field f, curl (curl f)=grad(divf)2f.

2) If r is the position vector to a point whose distance from the origin is r, prove that divf=0 if f=rr3.

3) Prove that for a three vectors a,b,c a×(b×c)=b(ac)c(ab) and explain its geometric meaning.


1) Let a,b be given vectors in the three dimensional Euclidean space E3 and let ϕ(x) be a scalar field of the vectors x also of E3. If ϕ(x)=(x×a)(x×b), show that

2) If f,g are two vector fields in E3 and if ‘div’, ‘curl’ are defined on an open set SE3 show that div(f×g)=g.curlffcurlg.


1) If P, Q, R are points (3,2,1), (1,3,4), (2,1,2) respectively. Find the distance from P to the plane OQR, where O is the origin.

2) Find the angle between the tangents to the curve r=t2i^2tj^+t3k^ at the points t=1 and t=2.

3) Find div F and curl F, where F=(x3+y3+z33xyz).


1) Prove that curl (curl F ) = grad div F2F.

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