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We will cover following topics


1) Find the equation of the right circular cone generated by straight lines drawn from the origin to cut the circle that passes through the points \((1,2,2)\), \((2,1,-2)\) and \((2,-2,1)\).


2) Find the distance of the point (-2,3,-4) from the line \(\dfrac{x+2}{3}=\dfrac{2 y+3}{4}=\dfrac{3 z+4}{5}\) measured parallel to the plane \(4 x+12 y-3 z+1=0\).


3) Obtain the equation of the sphere that touches the plane \(3 x+2 y-z+2=0\) at the point \((1,-2,1)\) and cuts orthogonally the sphere \(x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}-4 x+6 y+4=0\).


4) Derive the equations to the planes that touch the surface \(4 x^{2}-5 y^{2}+7 z^{2}+13=0\) and are parallel to the plane \(4 x\) \(+20 y-21 z=0\). Also determine the coordinates of the points of contact.


5) Consider the section of the enveloping cone of the ellipsoid \(\dfrac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}+\dfrac{y^{2}}{b^{2}}+\dfrac{z^{2}}{c^{2}}=1\) by the plane \(z=0 .\) If the cone has its vertex at the point Pand if the section happens to be a rectangular hyperbola, show that the equation to the locus of the point \(P\) is \(\dfrac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{a^{2}+b^{2}}+\dfrac{z^{2}}{c^{2}}=1\).



1) If the three concurrent lines whose direction cosines are \(\left(l_{1}, m_{k}, n_{j}\right),\left(l_{2}, m_{2}, n_{2}\right),\left(l_{3}, m_{3}, n_{3}\right)\) are coplanar, prove that
\(\left[\begin{array}{lll}1_{1} & m_{1} & n_{1} \\ l_{2} & m_{2} & n_{2} \\ l_{3} & m_{3} & n_{3}\end{array}\right]=0\)


2) Find the equations of the three planes through the line


parallel to the axes.


3) Prove that the shortest distance between the line

\[z=x \tan \theta, y=0\]

and any tangent to the ellipse \(x^{2} \sin ^{2} \theta+y^{2}=a^{2}\), \(z=0\) is constant in length.


4) The plane \(\dfrac{x}{a}+\dfrac{y}{b}+\dfrac{z}{c}=1\) cut the axes in \(A\), \(B\), \(C\). Find the equation of the cone whose vertex is origin and the guiding curve is the circle \(ABC\).


5) Find the equation of the cylinder generated \(\dfrac{x}{1}=\dfrac{y}{2}=\dfrac{z}{3}\), the guiding curve being the conic \(z=2\), \(3 x^{2}+4 x y+5 y^{2}=1\).



1) Prove that the locus of a line which meets the two lines \(y=\pm m x, z=\pm c\) and the circle \(x^{2}+y^{2}=a^2\), \(z=0\) is

\[\mathrm{c}^{2} \mathrm{m}^{2}(\mathrm{cy} -\mathrm{mzx})^{2}+\mathrm{c}^{2}(\mathrm{yz}-\mathrm{cmx})^{2}=\mathrm{a}^{2} \mathrm{m}^{2}\left(\mathrm{z}^{2}-\mathrm{c}^{2}\right)^{2}\]


2) Two straight lines \(\dfrac{x-\alpha_{1}}{l_{1}}=\dfrac{y-\beta_{1}}{m_{1}}=\dfrac{z-\gamma_{1}}{n_{1}} ; \dfrac{x-\alpha_{2}}{l_{2}}=\dfrac{y-\beta_{2}}{m_{2}}=\dfrac{z-\gamma_{1}}{n_{2}}\) are cut by a third hine whose direction cosines are \(\lambda\), \(u\) and \(v\). Show that the length \(d\) intercepted on the third line is given by

\(d \begin{vmatrix} l_1 & m_1 & n_1 \\ l_2 & m_2 & n_2 \\ \lambda & \mu & \nu \end{vmatrix}\)= \(\begin{vmatrix} \alpha_1-\alpha_2 & \beta_1-\beta_2 & \gamma_1 - \gamma2 \\ l_1 & m_1 & n_1 \\ l_2 & m_2 & n_2 \end{vmatrix}\)

Deduce the length of the shortest distance between the first two lines.


3) Find the condition that the plane \(l x+m y+n=0\) be a tangent plane to the cone \(a x^{2}+b y^{2}+\) \(c z^{2}+2 f y z+2 g z x+2 h x y=0\).


4) Prove that the locus of the pole of the plane \(l x+m y + n z=p\) with respect to system of conicoids \(\dfrac{x^{2}}{a^{2}+k}+\dfrac{y^{2}}{b^{2}+k}+\dfrac{z^{2}}{c^{2}+k}=1,\) where \(k\) is a parameter, is a straight line perpendicular to the given plane.



1) Find the equations of the generators of the hyperboloid \(\dfrac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}+\dfrac{y^{2}}{b^{2}}-\dfrac{z^{2}}{c^{2}}=1\) through any point of the principal elliptic section \(\dfrac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}+\dfrac{y^{3}}{b^{2}}-\dfrac{z^{2}}{c^{2}} \mathrm{l}\); \(z=0\).


2) A variable plane is at a constant distance \(\mathrm{p}\) from the origin and meets the axes in \(\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}\) and \(\mathrm{C}\) Show that the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC is \(\dfrac{1}{x^{2}}+\dfrac{1}{y^{2}}+\dfrac{1}{z^{2}}=\dfrac{16}{p^{2}}\).


3) Find the locus of the point of intersection of perpendicular generators of a hyperboloid of one sheet.


4) Planes are drawn through a fixed point \((\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) so that their sections of the paraboloid \(a^{2}+b y^{2}=2 z\) are rectangular hyperbolas. Prove that they touch the cone \(\dfrac{(x-\alpha)^{2}}{b}+\dfrac{(y-\beta)^{2}}{a}+\dfrac{(z-\gamma)^{2}}{a+b}=0\).


5) Show that the enveloping cylinder of the conicoid
\(c x^{2}+b y^{2}+c z^{7}=1\) with generators perpendicular to \(z\)-axis meets the plane \(z=0\) in parabolas.


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