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We will cover following topics


1) Let \(n\) be a fixed positive integer and let \(Z_{n}\) be the ring of integers modulo \(n\). Let \(\mathrm{G}=\left\{\bar{a} \in Z_{n} \mid \bar{a} \neq \overline{0}\right.\) and a is relatively prime to \(n\}\) . Show that \(\mathrm{G}\) is a group under multiplication defined in \(\mathrm{Z}_{\mathrm{n}}\). Hence or otherwise, show that \(a^{\phi(n)} \equiv a\) (mod \(n\)) for all integers a relatively prime to \(n\) where \(\phi\) (n) denotes the number of positive integers that are less than \(\mathrm{n}\) and are relatively prime to \(n\).


2) Let \(M\) be a subgroup and \(N\) a normal subgroup of a group \(G\). Show that \(MN\) is a subgroup of \(G\) and MN/N is isomorphic to M/(M \(\cap\)N).


3) Let \(F\) be a finite field. Show that the characteristic of must be a prime integer \(p\) and the number of elements in \(\mathrm{F}\) must be \(p^{m}\) for some positive integer \(m\).


4) Let \(F\) be a field and \(F[x]\) denote the set of all polynomials defined over \(\mathrm{F}\). If \(\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x})\) is an irreducible polynomial in \(\mathrm{F}(\mathrm{x})\), show that the ideal generated by \(\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x})\) in \(\mathrm{F}(\mathrm{x})\) is maximal and \(\mathrm{F}[\mathrm{x}] /(\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x}))\) is a field.


4) Show that any finite commutative ring with no zero divisors must be a field.



1) If \(\phi\) is a homomorphism of \(G\) into \(G\) with kernel K,then show that \(K\), is a normal subgroup of \(G\).


2) If \(p\) is a prime number and \(p^{\alpha} \vert o(G)\),then prove that G has a subgroup of of order \(p^{\alpha}\)


3) Let \(R\) be a commutative ring with unit element where only ideal are (o) and R itself.Show that R is a field.


4) Let \(A\) be a subset of the metric space \((M,\rho).\).If \((A,\rho)\) is compact, then show that A is closed subset of \((M,\rho)\).


5) A sequence \(\{S_R\}\) is defined by the recursion formula \(S_{n+1}=\sqrt{3S_n,S_1}=1\).Does this sequence converge ?If so,find \(lim\;S_n\).



6) Test for convergence the integral \(\int^1_0 x^p(log\dfrac{1}{x})^p\,dx.\)



1) Prove that if a group has only four elements then it must be abelian.

2) If \(H\) and \(K\) are subgroups of a group \(G\), then show that \(HK\) is subgroup of \(G\) if and only if \(HK=KH\).

3) Show that every group of order 15 has a normal subgroup of order 5.

4) Let \((R,+,.)\) be a system satisfying all the axioms for a ring with unity with the possible exception of \(a+b=b+a\). Prove that \((R,+,.)\) is a ring.

5) If \(p\) is prime then prove that \(Z_p\) is a field. Discuss the case when \(p\) is not a prime number.

6) Let \(D\) be a principal ideal domain. Show that every element that is neither zero nor a unit in D is a product of irreducibles.

7) Let \(X\) ba a metric space and E\(\subset\)X.Show that interior of \(E\) is the largest open set contained in \(E\), boundary of E=(closure of E)\(\cap\)(closure of X-E).


1) Show that a necessary and sufficient condition for a subset Hof a group \(\mathrm{G}\) to be a subgroup is \(\mathrm{HH}^{-1}=\mathrm{H}\)


2) Show that the order of each subgroup of a finite group is a divisor of the order of the group.


3) In a group \(\mathrm{G}\), the commutator \((\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{b}), \mathrm{a}, \mathrm{b} \in \mathrm{G}\) is the element \(\mathrm{aba}^{-1} \mathrm{b}^{-1}\) and the smallest subgroup containing all commutators is called the commutator subgroup of G. Show that a quotient group G/H is abelian if and only if \(\mathrm{H}\) contains the commutator subgroup of \(\mathrm{G}\).


4) If \(x^{2}=x\) for all \(x\) in a ring \(R,\) show that \(R\) is commutative. Give an example to show that the converse is not true.


5) Show that an ideal \(\mathrm{S}\) of the ring of integers \(\mathrm{Z}\) is a maximal ideal if and only if \(\mathrm{S}\) is generated by a prime integer.


6) Show that in an integral domain every prime element is irreducible. Give an example to show that the converse is not true.



1) Let \(R\) be the set of real numbers and \(\mathrm{G}=\{(\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{b}) \mid \mathrm{a}, \mathrm{b} \in \mathrm{R}, \mathrm{a} \neq 0\}\) \(^*\mathrm{G} \times \mathrm{G} \rightarrow \mathrm{G}\) is defined by \((a, b) *(c, d)=(a c, b e+d)\).
Show that \(\left(\mathrm{G},{ }^{*}\right)\) is a group. Is it abelian?
Is \(\left(\mathrm{H},{ }^{*}\right)\) a subgroup of \(\left(\mathrm{G},{ }^{*}\right),\) when \(\mathrm{H}=\{(1, \mathrm{b}) \mid \mathrm{b} \in \mathrm{R}\}?\)


2) Let \(f\) be a homomorphism of a group G onto a group G’ with kernel H. For each subgroup \(\mathrm{K} '\) of G’ define \(\mathrm{K}\) by \(\mathrm{K}=\left\{\mathrm{x} \in \mathrm{G} \mid \mathrm{f}(\mathrm{x}) \in \mathrm{K}^{\prime}\right\}\) Prove that (i) \(\mathrm{K'}\) is isomorphic to \(\mathrm{K} / \mathrm{H}\). (ii) \(\mathrm{G} / \mathrm{K}\) is isomorphic to \(\mathrm{G'} / \mathrm{K'}\)


3) Prove that a normal subgroup \(\mathrm{H}\) of a group \(\mathrm{G}\) is maximal, if and only if the quotient group \(\mathrm{G} / \mathrm{H}\) is simple.


4) In a ring \(R\), prove that cancellation laws hold, if and only if \(R\) has no zero divisors.


5) If \(\mathrm{S}\) is an ideal of a ring \(\mathrm{R}\) and \(\mathrm{T}\) any subring or \(\mathrm{R},\) then prove that \(\mathrm{S}\) is an ideal of \(\mathrm{S}+\mathrm{T}=\{\mathrm{s}+\mathrm{t} \mid \mathrm{s} \in \mathrm{S}, \mathrm{t} \in \mathrm{T}\}\)


6) Prove that the polynominl \(x^{2}+x+4\) is irreducible over the field of integers modulo 11 .



1) Let \(G\) be a finite set closed under an associative binary operation such that \(\begin{array}{l} ab = ac \text { implies } b = c \\ \text { and } ba = ca \text { implies } b = c \end{array}\) for all \(a , b , c \in G .\) Prove that \(G\) is a group.


2) Let \(G\) be a group of order \(p ^{ n },\) where \(p\) is a prime number and \(n >0 .\) Let \(H\) be a proper subgroup of \(G\) and \(N ( H )=\left\{ x \in G : x ^{-1} h x \in H \forall h \in H \right\} .\) Prove that \(N ( H ) \neq H\).


3) Show that a group of order 112 is not simple.


4) Let \(R\) be a ring with identity. Suppose there is an element a of \(R\) which has more than one right inyerse Prove that a has infinitely many right inverses


5) Let \(F\) be a field and let \(p ( x )\) be an irreducible polynomial over \(F\). Let \(< p ( x )>\) be the ideal generated by \(p ( x )\). Prove that \(<p( x )>\) is a maximal ideal.


6) Let \(F\) be a field of characteristic \(p \neq 0 .\) Let \(F ( x )\) be the polynomial ring. Suppose \(f(x)=a_{0}+a_{1} x+\ldots+a_{n} x^{n}\) is an element of \(F [ x ]\). Define \(f(x)=a_{1}+2 a_{2} x+\ldots+n a_{n} x^{n-1}\) If \(f^{\prime}(x)=0,\) prove that there exists \(g(x) \in F[x]\) such that \(f(x)=g\left(x^{p}\right)\).


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