- A cone is a surface generated by a moving straight line (generator) that passes through a fixed point (vertex) and interesects a given curve (guiding curve).
Any homogeneous equation in , , represents a cone with its vertex at origin.
Note: is homogeneous if ,
- A cone is called quadric if its equation is of second degree in , and . The general equation of a quadric cone is , with vertex as the origin.
- The equation of the cone with vertex as the origin and which passes through the curve of intersection of the plane and the surface is given by:
- The equation of the cone with vertex as and base the conic is given by: + + +++
A right circular cone is a cone in which the generator makes a fixed angle with a fixed line passing through vertex.
The fixed angle is caled the semi-vertical angle and the fixed line is called the axis of the cone.
- The equation of the right circular cone with vertex as origin, axis the and semi-vertical angle is .
- The equation of a right circular cone with vertex as the origin, axis the line and semi-vertical angle is
- The equation of a right circular cone with vertex as , semi vertical angle and axis having directon cosines , and is given by: ++=++
- If the direction cosines of a line satisfy a homogeneous equation, then the line is a generator of a cone.
- The equation of a cone with , , axes as generators and vertex as origin is given by .
- The equation of the tangent (enveloping) cone from the point to the sphere ++++++ is given by:
, and
- The condition that the equation may represent a cone is given by:
- Working Rule to determine the vertex of a cone represented by equation :
(i) Introduce powers of in the equation and make it homogeneous in , , and
(ii) Find partial derivatives , , and
(iii) Substitute in above four partial derivatives and equate to 0.
(iv) Solve any three equations and this solution is the vertex of the cone.
- The equation of the tangent plane at the point of the cone is given by:
- The condition that the plane may touch the cone is given by:
- The condition that the cone may have three mutually perperdicular generators is given by:
1) Find the equation of the cone with as the vertex and , as the guiding curve.
[2018, 13M]
2) Show that the cone has an infinite set of three mutually perpendicular generators. If is a generator belonging to one such set, find the other two.
[2016, 10M]
3) If represents one of the mutually perpendicular generators of the cone , then obtain the equations of the other two generators.
[2015, 13M]
4) Examine whether the plane cuts the cone in perpendicular lines.
[2014, 10M]
5) Prove that equation represents a cone if .
[2014, 10M]
6) Show that the lines drawn from the origin parallel to the normals to the central conicoid , at its points of intersection with the plane generate the cone .
[2014, 15M]
7) A cone has for its guiding curve the circle , and passes through a fixed point . If the section of the cone by the plane is a rectangular hyperbola, prove that vertex lies one the fixed circle , .
[2013, 15M]
8) A variable plane is parallel to the plane and meets the axes in , , respectively. Prove that circle lies on the cone .
[2012, 20M]
9) Show that the cone cuts the sphere in two equal circles, and find their areas.
[2011, 20M]
10) If represent one of a set of three mutually perpendicular generators of the cone
find the equations of the other two.
[2008, 20M]
11) Show that the plane cuts the cone in perpendicular lines.
[2007, 15M]
12) Show that the plane cuts the cone in perpendicular lines if .
[2006, 15M]
13) Prove that the lines of intersection of pairs of tangent planes to which touch along perpendicular generators le on the cone .
[2004, 15M]
14) Find the equations of the lines of intersection of the plane and the cone .
[2003, 15M]
15) Show that the feet of the six normals drawn from any point to the ellipsoid lie of the cone .
[2002, 15M]